Burndy - I give up. Non stress Installation impossible

??? What do you mean by tightening?

This should be pinned to the top of the forum!


Checking the tightness at the 552 end. Interestingly, I managed to rotate it a tiny bit more.

End of geek diversion and back to in-depth listening !


:100: Enjoy it! Itā€™s what itā€™s about. Sometimes making it too neat isnā€™t necessary. Look, my cables could be better.

I am following general principles, but if it sounds great is main thing.

Putting powerlines into radial circuits rather than on blocks has resulted in bigger improvements.

I have 500DRPS and Supercap 2 on radial. Rest is on block, that is 555PS, then ND5XS2 and Phonostage. Lingo 1 and Zoneripper on the ring main.

I am sure my system could be set up better but for now it sounds wonderful!

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Thanks Mike. :blush:

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Totally agree.
But with great information come great confusion :rofl:
And it is mentioned a lot here when something is wrong, you should destress cables ā€¦ I should destress myself maybe by getting shaked as a Burndy :joy:


The forum is great. But, personally, I think being overly anal can detract from the enjoyment of the hobby. And it is a hobby. Perspective matters.


Look, take it from me I am battling cancer. Obsessing over cables is last thing you want to do. Get your set up as good as you can get it. Listen to music loud and enjoy your system every day. You have it all now. Leave it alone. Listen to music. And FF# chill my friend! :joy:


My stripe is blue

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Could be the older ones - I have a collar as well but my 52 has the newer rca connector.
And the post seems to be for Michael not David :wink:

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Iā€™ve never understood all the fussing over burndies. Mine have always install and hang properly. I will say the NC burndy collar rings were a little snug to lock in but otherwise no issues.

My dealer always said the same thing. Set it up as best you can once, and leave it.


my 552 burndy, no wrestling required hangs perfectly on a single stack Fraim with the SNAIC touching at one point


Have you de-stressed it before installation? Mine was also much easier to install vertically - as in my preliminary setup.
Taming it horizontally was definitely a big deal. As mentioned - de stressing first and bending later works. For this reason I bended an extra curve at psu side.

I think the Burndy needs to hang loose. Is that not the purpose of destressing it? Let it do itā€™s own thing.

Set it up right with enough space between wall and stack and relax it.

Anyway thatā€™s what I did.


For about 30 seconds then Vicki walked into the room and said ā€œwhat the bloody hell are you doingā€

Joking aside the 552 in my experience its easier with a single stack Fraim, dual Fraim with the 552PS on the right the burndy is a bit of a nightmare and takes a bit of time to get this right.

Personally Iā€™m glad to see the back of the dual Fraim setup, cable dressing is sooo much easier, less cables, no audio cables are touching, overall a neater solution.


I found it impossible as well and just gave up.
It sounds fine to me.


I stopped worrying about it a long time ago. I have an eight box system, with a double Fraim brain/brawn stack of standard heights. I canā€™t possibly keep everything off the floor and relaxed into ganja states of non-stress.

My system sounds excellent and thatā€™s good enough for me. I dissemble and rebuild everything twice a year, moreso to clean it all than anything, and just do the best I can. My 300DR Burndies touch the floor, and I lost my Naim card as a result of that long ago, but the music still boogies: thatā€™s all that matters to me.


Could anyone enlighten me, please, on the origination of Burndy cables?

I have only ever heard of them in the context of Naim, but was there ever a Mr (or Ms) Burndy, and were they developed for use with computers or other electronic esoterica?

I have found the answer to my own question. The company was founded by Bern Dibner, and has been going strong for some time, since 1924.

I suppose that weā€™ll discover that someone like Roy George hit upon their use for connecting Naim products.

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