Burndy - I give up. Non stress Installation impossible

Why thank you Graham. Forgive me while I bask in the novelty of that one…

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The goal is to replace the chains by the burndys, for a couple of hours. If it’s not dangerous for the burndys, all is fine :smile:


The whole trick is to heat them in the oven for an hour, then they become very malleable :face_with_monocle::sunglasses:

I have a really nice professional level smoker. Can you recommend the optimal wood to use? :thinking:

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Ahh, good thinking … I think … :thinking::smile:

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My statement about putting them in the oven was of course a joke, but something that can actually be put in the oven, if you do it the right way, is uneven vinyl. However, not in a smoker…:smile:


Guess you all need this gizmo!


Getting the straitjacket off first is the bit I find most embarrassing.



The naim cable shaker, do they put the hiline cable on this :laughing:


Oh $hit! … gotta go …


I frikkin’ hope not …


Please explain what this consists of?

In my setup, the 300’s Burndies run above the boxes rather than below, and are dressed into a horseshoe shape. If, after my routing exercise with the boxes out of the rack, any plug is still incorrectly aligned - if it needs a small twist this way or that to get it to line up with its socket - the way I deal with it is to plug it in, then gently push the top part of the horseshoe against the direction of the torsion. I then unplug it and try again. The alignment should now be correct. If not, I try again until I can plug it in without it needing any twisting.

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If I recall they are labelled anyway? No?

I didn’t say they aren’t. Color coding just makes it easier to see which cables are for which components.

Thanks Corry

Very helpful ideas and advice.


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Came here to moan that I spend 20 mins trying to manhandle a burndy into the back of my ndx2 today at a back-breaking angle… Only to find out all you maniacs are spending 3 hours massaging them first!

I might have been a bit rough with mine having read this thread, but it sounds great so it’s never coming out again!


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