Burndy Pictures - for new FAQ

If anyone has pictures of their Burndy’s please post them here, for a new FAQ that @Richard.Dane is considering.

Eye Thang Yew…!!

Richard already has details of “S-XPS Burndy and a NAC552 Burndy”, so anything else you have would be helpful here

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Richard would also prefer your pictures - not found ones… :thinking:

I would imagine we would need to see the pins at the connector end also

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Yes, but I am not de-powering my XPS to do that…!

Pictures removed… :expressionless:

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The image would be best showing both the cable, sheath, any label or indicator and in particular the pin orientation of the connector ends. If I get a chance later (have family here to day and am cooking lunch) I’ll dig out a Burndy and post an example.


Here’s an example of the S-XPS Burndy cable


NDS to 555PS Cable 2

(If I’ve done this correctly!?)

NDS to 555PS Cable 1

These are from NDS to 555PS if they’re useable?
Let me know if you need different angles?
I tried taking some showing the cable 1 and cable 2 collar markers in the same photo as the pins, but found they’re a little way down the cable and was unable to fit in markers and pins simultaneously.

NDS to 555PS Cable 2

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NDS to 555PS Cable 1


Do you need photos of the NAP300 burndy? I can pull mine out and photograph them if so…

The NAP300 Burndy can’t really be confused for anything else.

What would be good would be a SNAXO Burndy, CDPS Burndy (standard and also modified for later head units), 252, and 552.

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Welllll, you say that now, but in the future…

I imagine there may have been changes over the years…both of the pics show cables from c.2015/16

Straight forward to remove Snaxo Burndy, with both units on top of adjoining Fraims.
A look at the cable dressing behind 552 on first stack (of four), looks like something that might be otherwise described as an Italian supper! Revisit for improved cable dressing now on the to-do-list.

With eleven Burndy cables, I’m taking no chances…all labelled…no cables ties mind!


Good excuse for some housekeeping and cable dressing perhaps?

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Nah. Richard has an S-XPS Burndy anyway.

No Point…

Is there any difference between S-XPS and XPS Burndies?

Also, are all SNAXO Burndy cables the same? Mine is grey, used on my NAXO 2-4 and SNAXO 2-4.

The S-XPS gives superior performance.

I can post the 552 one when the 552 gets back from repair before I install it if needed. I won’t include the pipe wrench I needed to remove it.