Cable hookups

Can you post this?

I recently became the owner of a deceased friends kit. No boxes, no manuals, no nothing. I’ve spent hours on line printing what I thought were the ones I needed. The kit contains a Nac180, Nac112 ,Cd3.5 as well as 3 flatcaps, all from the Olive series. There’s also a Rega streaming system. I’ll be happy with getting the kit set up without the streaming system for now.

Get out your crayons as I need something very simple. If you could edit the pic with the cables shown I’d be very appreciative. I’m a senior and I can’t understand it. Many thanks for your help.

You appear to have one Flatcap too many, but never mind. Perhaps one is bad?

You’ll need an interconnect for the signal out of the CD 3.5. You’ll also need a SNAIC 5 for the power connection from one of the Flatcaps to the CD3.5.

The NAPSC has a captive lead so just connects to the NAC102. This powers the logic and control circuits. You then need another SNAIC 5 between the second Flatcap and the 102. This provides power for the analogue audio circuitry and also takes the pre-amp signal out of the pre-amp.

You then take the pre-amp signal from that second flatcap to the NAP180 via a SNAIC 4.

This post from the FAQ should help you;

N.B. Be sure to get the cable directions correct. The band indicates which way around the cable goes.

I doubt it.

Lovely system . Please think about getting relevant units serviced if not already done.

All the best.