Cable management, aka the rat's nest is driving me doolally

No luck with the dealer then.
The Powerline lite that we get with sub 500 series is a perfectly ordinary looking cable with Naim’s decoupled mains plug on the end, which apparently was quite expensive to get certified when it was designed for the full Powerline. The box end has the usual moulded IEC plug. I’ve not had many of these prone to falling out, if pushed fully home, on anything and they’re somewhat ubiquitous these last few decades.
When I had a CDX2 one of the things that helped cure the rather unpleasant ringing of high piano notes that the player had when first installed was to ensure the mains cable didn’t touch the rack so I’ve habitually arranged all my power cables so they don’t, taping it to the rack just seems wrong but I remember the CD5x I used before didn’t care so maybe the 272 is likewise insensitive.

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