Cables. Let's build the basics

To be fair there is a warning in the title! :0)

Who knows, without the significant word count associated with, cables, grounding ‘do dahs’, data switches and power blocks it might be difficult for Naim to justify this place based on words associated with Naim products alone, although it might be a more peaceful place for it.

Well it’s been over 2 hours since the last response so time for me to pitch in to get the debate going.

Cables can’t make any difference, it’s all in the mind. Double blind tests would sort that out.

All cables do is conduct electrons or they conduct 0s and 1s. Don’t waste your money!!

Now where’s the……ah there it is……


Indeed, DIN is definitely the way to go. However, I would urge you to try to track down a genuine Naim lavender/grey interconnect as comes as standard with the Naim sources. You can buy new or secondhand.

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you should justify what you say, and refute with arguments what is known about certain problems that some cables avoid

Do you talk about the powerline?
Unfortunately in Argentina they are not sold, you should have it specially brought. And I still don’t understand the technical difference between the powerline and the lite. I need an objective rationale to suppose that there can be an improvement. Thanks for the recommendation

Take a look at my profile and see how much I have ‘invested’ in cables.

I’m being mischievous as these arguments have been played out endlessly on here, and cable threads always end up in a virtual punch-up and Richard stepping in.

So thought I’d have a bit of fun before the thread gets pulled. :crazy_face:


Yes I understand. I am new to the high end. They are new topics for me. I have read quite a bit and hope to separate the mystique from the objective. Even more considering that where I live everything is much more expensive and there is no possibility of making refunds

I would suggest you type in Cables in the search box and at least 50+ threads will appear for your reading pleasure…

The search box can be your friend on this forum.

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Your intention to objectify cable effects and measure the ill effects of noise on SQ, in order to point to a cable solution is laudable. However it is my belief there are just too many variables and the tools are just not there to measure the right things.

The plethora of variables (some of which are poorly understood IMV) is the reason we get so many arguments around the effects cables might and might not have on SQ.

I really hope I am wrong as some kind of diagnostic tool could save us a lot of angst and put the real purveyors snake oil out of business.

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Powerline is wonderful and rather clever. A big step up on the Lite. The Lite only makes sense in the UK or in countries that use the UK mains/plug system.

Some info here regarding the decoupling IEC:

As well as the info on the website, there’s this here;

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On another forum not too far away:

Your intention to objectify homeopathic medicine and measure it’s practical effects on illness is laudable. However it is my belief there are just too many variables and the tools are just not there to measure the right things.

The plethora of variables (some of which are poorly understood IMV) is the reason we get so many arguments around the effects homeopathy might and might not have on human health.

I really hope I am wrong as some kind of diagnostic tool could save us a lot of angst and put the real purveyors of snake oil out of business.

Butter or salt sir? :popcorn:

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There are places on the internet where subjective speculation are firmly given the back seat.

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Perhaps this can help people to navigate their way through the world of cables.


I would like to know which ones

thank you very much Richard. Here in Argentina the Atom was delivered to me with two cables: one with a UK tab and the other with a continental European (which does not seem to have been produced by Naim). The latter is the one I use. Although the Naim elite suggests changing the token for the one corresponding to the zone. The powerline in photos is with UK tab. Do you bring other chips according to the area?

Thanks. I did it, but I can’t find any serious information

You should use the one appropriate for your country. Naim make Powerlines for UK, EU, US, and NZ connections. Note that most Naim kit requires that it be earthed.


Just do full looms of Powerlines and Superlumina, sit back and enjoy the ride :sunglasses:


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