Cables off the floor, why?

The monitoring gubbins is in parallel with supply so not really bothering …yet .
The tracking of consumption, Voltage ,watts level knowledge is too interesting at this stage

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Do you have a dedicated Hifi radial?

Well a mass spectrometer is much more than data with ultra sensitive high field magnets. Thus at least on par with audio.

Yes, but it doesn’t end up being measured by the hearing apparatus in your ears and nervous system.

I would think that a machine that is able to separate and measure the mass of unique molecules with a tenth of a billionth precision is more precise than the human ear.


It’s hard to compare an objective measurement with a subjective experience.


The precision of these machines is extraordinary. They are based on highly sensitive magnets working at high frequencies. You can rest assured that if the control of the quality of the power supplied to the machine depended much on the electric cables and how they don’t touch the floor, we would take all the possible care to improve the spectres it produces.

That’s the difference between faith and science.

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There’s no faith in it.

What I hear is what I hear.

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Yes fortunately even though I temporarily lost my dedicated fusebox etc I still have one dedicated radial back to our newly installed house fusebox .
What you see me using now actually betters my previous set up . What I can say is I now use proper 2m Naim cables into this block .where as before was a what can I describe as a "more direct " sort of cable connection, it’s great when legality and safety goes hand in hand with performance improvements.

If you hear it, good. But at some point one should be able to measure the effect of cable lifting with instruments.

Yes, but then we’d have to know what measurements are appropriate.

And that is by no means a simple matter given the number of variables in a Hifi system.

Looks like you seem to imply that you have done some testing to compare to come up with and make that “conclusion” - is that the case and what data do you have?
Because if not, your statement is no better than faith and religion?

no better than faith and religion?

Add cash expectations and that sounds like a lot of hifi, lol

I didn’t imply I personally tested cable dressing on mass spec machine. But I know that physicists who develop these machines will do all that is in their power to lower the noise floor of their machines. Their sensitivity depends on it. This is essential to be competitive and sell their machines which regularly reach the million euros range. I know also that physicists are clever and pragmatic people. If cable dressing had an effect on their machine, I am sure they would have discovered it and recommend. And of course we would have implemented it because it would have given us a competitive edge.

It would be very interesting if you asked them what they think the effect would be of clearing the cables from each other and doing cable dressing.

Right, so you have nothing but an assumption and indeed faith, which you are misrepresenting here as a fact and call this faith science…

Agreed. But as @JimDog points out, what to measure?

But really this misses the point anyway. No need to measure anything - just use your ears.

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So you use standard Naim cables, standard cheap power cables and Naca 5 with your full 500 series ?

I’m sure it doesn’t matter in the slightest. Why on earth should it?

We are talking about cables, like the Powerline, that are designed specifically to improve the performance of hi-fi equipment. No claims are made for them outside of that purpose. Naim don’t claim that putting Powerlines on sensitive electrical measuring equipment will improve its performance. I’ll bet that the R&D lab at Naim Towers is full of sophisticated electronic measuring gear. I wouldn’t imagine for one second that they all have Powerlines on them. There would be zero point in this. I’ll bet they are all used with the standard run-of-the-mill off the shelf moulded power cables that the manufacturers supply. Also I’ll bet nodody pays any attention to cable dressing on them!