Cancelling Subscription Services

They don’t.

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I think for the BMW you need a subscription to get the weather and traffic updates live as well?

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Not forgetting the little used indicator subscription.



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I said “got” meaning it as in the past. it was only a few years ago they stopped getting them once they were 75 years old.


I tend to agree with you. But that does make some sense as it encourages people to use the buses, which is a greener form of transport than driving their own car, often with 3 empty seats.

That applies to any age group, surely?

Anyway, we digress…


I should get a half-price TV licence as I don’t receive any sound.

I only watch with one eye open… do I qualify?

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You’ve basically just described what the UK tv license is. The difference here is that it is a flat fee regardless of your taxable income and as such it is per household rather than per person

That may be true. I did buy that in year 4 because I was worried about losing the traffic updates.

… yes, and here it is also actually called tax (and is a part of the annual tax return).

Emails are another one that need unsubscribing. How many irrelevant emails from companies do you get?


There are an awful lot of older people driving who really shouldn’t be, and if a free bus pass incentivises them not to drive, it can only be a good thing, for themselves and for others. I’m really looking forward to getting mine.


Needless to say, Waze or Google Maps are way superior to any car manufacturer maps and always updated.


Well done that Man!
I think you are very wise; subscriptions are a quick way to poverty and in many cases that is what vendors are counting on “It’s only £X.99, not expensive…” - until you start to add them up.
Like you, I have hundreds of CDs, but music tastes have changed, so I do allow myself Qobuz, but that is where it stops.


Chimes with my views. I avoid buying from Amazon too.

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Because OAPs were respected once!

Also it is not a TV licence it is a BBC Tax.
And it takes 9000 pensioners to pay for Gary Lineker.


There was a time when it could be argued the UK TV license granted the viewer two commercial free channels of premium quality content.

That ceased to be true even before I left the UK. It was commercial free but scarcely worth paying for.

BBC dramas often make it to Hulu and Netflix and Prime and sometimes I just watch something to hear familiar accents. But the quality of writing has nosedived in the past two decades. When I see the opening credits flash that BBC logo, I know I’m in for something with dialogue and story that feels like it was conceived by an adolescent.

The beeb is treated like a sacred cow. It shouldn’t be.