Canon lens repairs

Take a look at my recent caterpillar topic - first pic is iPhone X, later one is 5D II with MP-E 65. Admittedly hand held without a ring light :pensive:

Surely the cats get priority!!!

Iā€™ll have you know that I am Master in my own houseā€¦

ā€¦.and I have Pixieā€™s permission to say so!


Iā€™ve been wondering about getting a used or new 5D Mk IV for a while but canā€™t quite justify the cost at the moment.

I wanted to try full-frame from my 7D1 (with a stack of L series lenses), so got mine from LCE about 18 months ago for Ā£1600, with 2400 on the clock.

Yes itā€™s very fineā€¦everything you read about it in the mags is true. Itā€™s been a hard act to follow for Canonā€¦.they had to go mirrorless to make any real advancementā€¦.

OTOHā€¦800+ pages of user manuals!

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From memory, the 24-70 f2.8 Mk I was launched in 2002 or around then, so on the cameras you mention it is a great lens and definitely worth repairing. Once you get to a 1DX or 5D MkIII the limitations of the lens would be obvious as the 24-70 Mk II version was launched in 2012 to address the shortcomings with the new sensors.

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Verifiably better. Dealers rarely mention these things as many consumer dealers do not understand and they simply want to sell equipment. Always be aware of the generation of lens that you are buying referencing the generation of camera body.

To give an example: I had a beautiful EF35mm F1.4 L which I happily used from the mid 90ā€™s. It was a film generation lens. It worked beautifully on the early Pro digital bodies, right up until we got to the EOS 5D Mk II / 1Ds MkIII (so roughly 13 years) The lens still worked perfectly, but the images looked like they had been shot through a bottleā€¦the lens was fine and when retested on an older generation of body the images were fine too.

No, it is not marketing. Simply that although the advertised number of pixels may not have changed, the resolving power of sensors increases significantly every couple of generations and lenses do not keep pace. Only the hand assembled ā€˜big whiteā€™ lenses have such high performance that means they can be used for longer, in terms of resolution. Not a scientific explanation!

Still a very nice camera when all is said and done. And from the staff I speak to when I go into my local LCE, a big seller for them. Pleased with mine.

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@Alley_Cat Have you managed to get your nice L lens repaired? Sorry if I have missed a response.

Sad to say, Iā€™m not sure that any of the repairers mentioned will be able to repair or service it if itā€™s old because Canon will only support lenses for around ten years I have found.

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Iā€™m sure my 24-105L (mark 1) is older than 10 years and LCE got it fixed. I assume, Chris, weā€™re talking about the LCE opposite the Civic Centre?


Very pleased you got your lens sorted, and pleased to be wrong.

Yes, Civic Branch. Always really good service in there. Apparently they had a Canon open day last Sat which featured the latest stuff, R1 etc.

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Not yet Iā€™m afraid - was pretty surprised that H Lehmann had closed so wanted to know about experiences with other reputable lens repair facilities.

As I mentioned a few posts above itā€™s still on the ā€˜to doā€™ list but just donā€™t have the disposable dosh at the minute (despite buying stuff for the garden yesterday, but thatā€™s used by most of us not just me).

Cost of living type considerations are no fun at the moment, especially due to significantly increased borrowing costs, and I have a few hefty potential financial commitments to address in the next few months which are more important. Iā€™m just a relatively early digital camera adopter, and as with most things digital find it hard to let go of stuff that was a significant outlay only a decade or so ago. Had always assumed the EF lenses being optical devices were here to stay and would be officially repairable, at least when the faulty component probably costs pennies.

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Totally with you. The stuff is expensive and should be fixable. But it seems the world seldom works like that.

Hope you can get it done one day.

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That lens is my next best option at the moment, it came with the 5D Mark II as a ā€˜kit lensā€™.

Yes, I need to review all the suggestions again and get some quotes, family life has just been hectic recently. The faulty component is available (3rd party I assume) for a few dollars on ebay. 20-30 years ago Iā€™d have got a few of the ribbon cables and tried the techniques you can find on YouTube. Iā€™m just not as dexterous these days, and while I used to change cartridges on the LP12 regularly myself, these days Iā€™d rather let someone else do it!

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Me tooā€¦ā€¦I used last yearā€™s Old Buggers Winter Fuel Allowance to pay for it. Hope it doesnā€™t break this year. :laughing:

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I guess thatā€™s the point of the announcement today (you may be talking in jest), that not everyone necessarily needs it, but it does seem rather sad in general as Iā€™m certain it will be a source of concern for many pensioners due to the quite stringent criteria for eligibility going forwards.

Political decisions aside (and they have to be made), I think Iā€™ve seen more unpleasant non-political news headlines today than for quite some time and the world seems to be in a thoroughly bad place. :neutral_face: