Cat amongst the pigeons

Brilliant… :slightly_smiling_face:

I’m a GP and practice complaints lead… anyone who works in a public facing industry will have experienced some of this (somehow the customer is getting something from this approach - attention perhaps?)


Ian, great post. Touch of irony, maybe the op ranks as a rant.
It is not helped by the fact that it took until post 46, for the full reality to emerge, including it’s a link plug not a blanking one.
Lost plug, simples. Create a drama and attempt to get lots of sympathy.
Accused of missing the point myself, if you don’t take care of what you have, don’t expect a free replacement.
Like @twofifty mentions, Naim go beyond above and beyond in all aspects of service when they are able to do so.
If the op thinks that forum members are the sum total of Naim’s client base, well a search of the forum will find that topic has been discussed previously; result very different to the comment.

There was recently a thread about posting and then ignoring responses. There is also imho, an emergence of rants and significantly misleading (inadequate) original posts; just hope that development isn’t here to stay.


Priceless Adam - do share (some) of the the other 96!

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Something similar, quite by accident I discovered that the bottle of goo supplied with the tyre reinflation kit was one month past its use by date and had solidified. I simply phoned the dealer and ordered a new one. Forty eight hours later, phone call, it’s in stock, collect it, £54. I asked if it might not be cheaper to have a spare wheel, rather than a new bottle every couple of years. Yes, that would be £329.
Back at home I start a search to see if I could get a used one. The first item that showed was a dealer offering a kit for £165. Next time at my dealer, I asked about this. Yes it was possible, but not official, by submitting the German part number rather than UK, it comes cheaper.


I must admit the cost of a replacement Naim cardboard box for my hicap did raise an eyebrow when I looked at buying one. Decided to park that thought!

The only other ‘accessory’ which seemed a little steep pricewise to me was a replacement remote control. Am not referring to a fancy one but just the Network player remote which costs £75. The Rega Solaris was only £55 and the universal remotes from Argos etc were only around £20. Fortunately the Naim remote just needed a clean and all was good.

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Attention, absolutely. A chance for the focus to be on them whatever their issue is (interestingly, in our store the customers who actually have a valid and understandable complaint are usually the quietest and most workable-with).

I recall one customer yelling at me “How dare (name of company), I’ve got mental 'ealth!!!

So tempted to say to him " the one thing I can guarantee, sir, is that you haven’t…"

This is what you need. Found mine in the original box. Best place to keep these sort of things if not plugged in the back. Keeps 'um safe.


That’s a beautiful plug and worth every penny :upside_down_face: :muscle: :rofl:


A bit over 3k GBP will give you a new Atom HE and a second hand Nap 200. That’s a world class setup and available even for people on low wages who can save a penny.

Perhaps 2% of the Naim users are on this forum - a wild guess.


Anyone needed a replacement key for their car lately? VW golf key was quoted at £195

Ouch, I have a non operable spare key for my BMW, need to get that looked at, hopefully a simple fix, and no it’s not the battery, changed that.

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:sleeping_bed: :zzz:

We were returning 3 Golfs at the end of their lease. None of the spare keys worked but one of the collecting drivers decided he wanted to charge for a new key.

For the money I found a compatible battery. checked how to change it on YouTube and hunted down a screwdriver small enough to open the key up.

Of course, the sensible drivers where 20 minutes closer to home by the time the jobsworth got away.

Sadly not allowed to reinvest the £195 on new vinyl.


That’s cheap! Someone I know has a 20 year old Yoyota Yaris, which has only had one key as long as he’s had it - a good few years ago he was quoted something like £250 or £300 for a spare. … recently he managed to lose it. Was quoted “around £600” to replace it. Claimed on insurance -they required a formal quote, which came in as £800. Now that IS a ripoff.


Connection with this thread is that if it costs a lot don’t give up, find away round it!!

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I’ve half a year ago bought a tiny piece of steel for my smeg fridge. 55 euros. Worth every penny.

For my Jeep I bought and programmed my own keys with a kit from the US. It worked out at around 50 quid per fob.

Still have both original keys for the Cosworth. The fob lights don’t work anymore though and you can’t get new ones from Ford either - disgraceful for a 21k car. :wink:

@sound-hound - Thank you. I do try…!!
A simple admission of the apparent loss of the Plug would have helped a lot - but perhaps that was too hard…? Or didn’t suit the narrative…?

It was always a Link Plug, never just a ‘blank’. AFAIK, its not often than Naim use blanking plugs… (I expect someone to appear with a long list, now I have written this). They are normally Link Plugs, without which some functions may be lost.

The ‘Rant’ post type does seem to be an increasingly common type, around these parts.

But… hey ho… As @Adam.Meredith said - They Are Always Right… :crazy_face:

Well your posts are certainly refreshing! Pity you can’t brighten the weather in the same way you have done with this and other threads; something stronger required me thinks…with a dose of streaming lovely music.

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