CB 42/110 - HiCap Upgrade

An interesting thought…

Err, unlikely… You need a new main (-5) PCB to do the change. That is how it was done… :thinking:

Only the Phono boards survive… :astonished:

When I considered a .5 change to my bolt down 32 I was told that it was possible but would involve cutting some of the tracks and would involve a lot of work. I decided to remove the tape output boards instead and as I was already using link wires on the phono inputs, the second rail was not needed. The 32 is still in virgin condition and sounding great.


Good to know and i suppose is useful to do with a 42N. I don’t think i will use the N-boards again unless i keep my LP12 running with a cheaper and decent MM cart. To be honest though i really like the sounds that the 42 and 110 produces after being recapped and serviced. Service interval was way overdue at 36 years

I think… ( :thinking:)… that with a HiCap powering a 42-5 or a 32-5 (and maybe a 62 or 72…?), one 24V rail supplies the low level circuits (so the Phono boards) and the other 24V rail supplies the high level circuits…??
If the Phono boards are not in use - or are removed - then maybe single rail is not so different to the dual rail…?

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In the NAC72 one rail powers the 321 line stage, the relay and the LED, the other rail powers everything else (inc 729) so even with phono and tape boards removed both rails are still in use.

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That is true for the 72 but the 12, 42 and 32 do not have the relay. My 32 with other non essential boards removed sounds exceptionally good even as single rail.

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To my ears the HiCap is a very worthwhile upgrade for the 42. If a well priced SNAPS came up I’d most likely try it out of curiousty with a view to moving it on again.

I’m terms of VFM the HiCap plus service was about 75% of the cost of the 42/110 but then again I think it will only gain in value so I look upon it as an investment. Like a piece of fine art!

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Hi @Stu299
That is one way of looking at it. Enjoy your new hicap. Looks great. Looks like you beat me to it and a snaps but then again i was not trying very hard :rofl:


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