CD companion to new classic 200 range

My reply was perfectly polite and not disrespectful in the slightest. To me, it makes no sense to buy a CD player when one owns only two CDs. As has been noted above, the OP asks ‘does it make sense to buy one?’ so all I’m doing is answering the question.


The CD5i is more appropriate for XS3 or SN2/3 . At 222/250 level, which is around 282/250 level, a CDX2 is a minimum.

I wouldn’t use it above Nait 5Si level, it is however quite good in this combo, not cheap though - a lot of contenders.

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I wonder how many people dismissing the CD5Si as entry level have actually heard one?
There seems to be a view that cost directly relates to performance.
Rarely the case in my experience.
I would loan one from a dealer and give it a listen (without prejudice) to quote the great GM


I’ve even owned it
The Italic and the very first edition too.

I agree, listening yourself is the way to judge.
I much prefer Rega players in my setup.
Each to their own as they say.

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That’s a bit of an unqualifiable statement. A bit like saying Meat Feast Pizza Hut pizza is better than Italian pizza. There are thousands of pizzas in Italy and the Pizza Hut might be better than some pizzas sold from vending machines in Rome but that doesn’t make it better than Italian pizza any more than a Core is better than a PC rip. Which PC rip? There are a lot of ways rip. Some are rubbish (Media Player/iTunes). Some are good (dbpoweramp). Some are superb (EAC) and use the same library that most commercial boxes do internally. Added to that, some people calibrate their drives, some don’t. Some configure the software correctly. Some don’t.

I’m a huge fan of the Core. I thinks it’s more accurate to say it is consistently of superb quality irrespective of the knowledge and care of the user. To me, that makes the Core a bargain.


Congratulations on your purchase! First, ignore all the haters telling you to just stream or rip. I love streaming, but there is something highly satisfying about the way CDs sound, the physical media, the lack of involving your mobile phone it yet another of life’s daily activities, and the low prices of CD ms relative to vinyl.

Second, I would suggest the Audiolab 6000 if you want something new that is available now. It’s cheap and it sounds amazing. Or maybe the Rega Apollo. Also very good. If you don’t mind spending a bit more and doing some treasure hunting, look for a CD5 XS or CDX2.2.


The 5SI is much better than the 5I… I got the 5I that I did not keep long! then I had 5X with fc that I found too soft, I find the 5SI better… but my ears are not yours!

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Thanks for all the suggestions. I am still struggling a bit to convince myself a CD player makes sense.

I would like to have all options: vinyl, CD and streaming. For exploring new music streaming wins for me. But for slowing down and enjoying a single recording vinyl is great. So maybe CD’s are equally great? :slight_smile: I considered a CD ripper but then I am basically back to streaming again. I own a Synology NAS too. That contains lossless files that are either not on streaming or just part of my collection.

Since I don’t own many CDs at all I want to dip my toes and not break the bank.

So that still leaves me with the question if a CD transport (second hand) would be better than a full CD player. My thought is that I can use the NSC222 DAC since I have that already and put all my money in a quality transport.

I would like something visually similar to the new classic since it will end up in a rack together.

Any more thoughts and suggestions ?

There are plenty of options. Rega, Cyrus, Audiolab, Hegel, ect. I chose a CEC CD5 after my CDS3 died. CDs are cheap and many people enjoy the collecting process. Vinyl, SACD, CD, and Streaming all have their place. I still listen to cassettes via a vintage Nakamichi and find them enjoyable 40 years later!


Ignore all the haters. What a strange thing to say. Who are these haters? People who you don’t agree with? Surely we should encourage different points of view.

It is possible to stream an entire album - it’s just a matter of discipline :grinning:.

Unless I’ve missed it somewhere you don’t say what your turntable is or how many records you own. Surely this is relevant? If you own hundreds of records and play them on a top-class turntable then there seems little point in opting to buy a mid-price digital playback device as you will probably hardly use it.

As for streaming vs CD I personally prefer streaming for its convenience. I don’t believe that modern streaming systems sacrifice anything in quality compared to CD playback. But it’s personal choice. My wife prefers playing CD’s so we have a Melco and a CD transport!

Why not use a DVD player through its digital output into the 222 and see if you really have an appetite for playing CDs? If that works for you a more upmarket transport can come later.

Bet this will be difficult unless you decide for a CD5Si which might be the closest to aesthetics.
But why not go to nearest dealer and ask for a home loan of a CD transport ?

FWIW I tried a rocksolid Roksan CD transport a few years back into a very good DAC.
My Rega Saturn trounced it.
Never been a fan of splitting single CD players into separate transport and DAC, there’s something go missing.

The Audiolab 9000 transport is essentially just a plain non-descript black box with zero attempt at styling and with a few discreet buttons and a display. It is well made and finished. As such it will look perfectly at home with any other black boxes.


Many years ago when I was auditioning Naim CD players as part of my first Naim system, I was looking at the CD5 SI as it was much cheaper than the CD5 XS.

However, the dealer (clever man) suggested that I listen to the CD5 XS as well.

Well, that was it, the CD5 XS was ordered, I found the detail and SQ to be just so much better.


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If old classic counts as a visual match, a CD5XS used as transport into the DAC of your 222 might just fit the bill. I used mine with an nDAC to excellent effect. But (warning coming!) it now sits in the rack unused as all new CDs get ripped to my NAS for streaming. I should probably sell it and just move on.


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I preferred my CD5XS with a FC2X

Who are they? The people who won’t allow themselves to appreciate the benefits of CD because it’s not their preferred format.