CD companion to new classic 200 range

I’ve got an Audiolab CD transport and works a treat connected to the NDX2.


Which one?

The 6000CDT.

6000CDT works a treat with my ND5XS2

I have suggested many times, many, many times that the CD5si is revamped with a digital output which will give Naim a CD transport .

The CD 5si is a good player, but Naim have abandoned the good, better, best approach.

If it was me it would be Project, Audiolab or even a Leema Elements.

If anybody is interested, Alpha Audio on Youtube are testing some CD transports (Roksan Atessa, Atoll DR200, NuPrime CDT-8, Tentlabs B-Drive, Cyrus CD-T and the Audiolab 9000 series).


I think that would be an excellent idea. IIRC Naim have offered a digital out conversion on other models.

Regarding the CD5si, I’m now getting excellent results with mine after having made some system and cable changes. The latest, which has really helped tame down the ‘brightness’, was replacing the Van Del Hul RCA to RCA cable (it was necessary to brighten up the top end with the previous Arcam amplifier) with the grey DIN to DIN cable that came with the player.

I now use the Van Den Hul RCA with the Arcam D33 DAC and that really does now sound superb: smooth yet open, incredibly clear and a very large sound stage. The CD5si has different attributes: cohesion, texture, attack and rhythm.


I have added a Chord Poweline , Chord Shawline and isolation pucks

My aim is to simplify the box count

I wish Naim had built a replacement of the CDX2.2


Just in case you didn’t notice… at least one of the pucks is upside down!

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Thanks, now corrected -


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Not saying it will improve the sound mind!

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Between you and I , it didn’t



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Do you feel the isolation pucks helped at all?

I’ve got mine on Ikea’s ‘finest’ bamboo chopping board. Seems to work well. The power lead is the original.


I noticed the change in sound immediately , can’t say that I was 100% comfortable with it at first - the change was that significant - but I have become happier with it , it lifted and separated the mid to upper notes and clarified them somewhat , I could not detect the much change in the lower notes -but with P3ESR that is not surprising

Hungry Halibut did not like them on his Nova but they are still there on my CD5si

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hey anyone tried Gothic “Ella” interconnect, or the Duelund 16 gauge interconnects with Naim?

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