CD Player recommendations

Streaming from your own music store doesn’t rely on or even use the internet, unless/except for downloading purchased music if you choose that as your source.

And my mention of streaming in the linked post was not telling the OP what to do but highlighting a possible alternative option.


So things like the global financial system…:slightly_smiling_face:

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Luckily SWIFTNet relies on a dedicated network that banks lease from at least two of four global providers for resiliency. So while it uses the TCPIP protocol to connect banks, SWIFTNet isn’t on the actual internet at all.


The idea of using the DAC and then buying a CD :cd: transport is I think a good one.

I came very close to buying an Audiolab transport a few years ago and I have seen it being used on some good systems on this forum .

The Naim CD5si is a decent player ( I have one) but for £500 the Audiolab is where I would look :eyes:

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A decent transport into a Naim DAC like the ND XS2 is as close as you’re going to get to a Naim CD player at a level higher the the 5si.

There’s a recent long thread on the topic of building the equivalent to a Naim CD player using transports into current streamers or the nDAC. Certainly if I wanted one, I’d add something like a TEAC VRDS to my NDX and call it a Naim CD player - or as close as you’ll get.


I should say the ND5XS2 is reputed to be very closely linked in design to the Nova and when I auditioned the Audiolab it was into a Nova

I managed to get my CDX2 serviced and switched to a digital output , which is why I never completed the deal

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Very interested in any discussion related to CDP or CDT, but again and again people start to offer streaming.

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Try listen to a Yamaha CD-S303. You will be surprised about how musical it sounds. It has Digita/optical output as well…


Especially as this conversation starts with saying the OP has inherited a ND5XS2


All of the more recent Cyrus cd transports are excellent. I tried quite a few before I settled in that make and you’d lick one up pre last ved in your budget


@dayjay What do you mean by “pre last ved in your budget”??
Seen a preowned Cyrus CDXT within budget but it seems to be fussy with some CDs??

Sorry, dodgy typing, meant to say pre loved. I had a CDt before my current CDT XR and it sounded excellent, so good I couldn’t resist the XR and it’s power supply and not once did I have any cd that refused to play perfectly. I traded mine in as part of the deal for the xr but I’m sure you’d get one for your budget. They really are very good with a good dac

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Well said there are loads of people who still prefer cd players me included. Its still a popular format of choice with a wide variety of manufacturers releasing new models :blush::grinning::grinning:. Richard Dane has made a good suggestion along with others who still enjoy cd players not streaming


Streaming is boring. It’s very useful and cost effective, most of my playtime at the moment is through streaming. But it’s boring.

I like getting up, taking a CD or record out of it’s case/cover, setting it to play, browsing the packaging, browsing my next selection, pulling it and other options out, checking through the track list, taking off the current album, putting on another.

And no screens! Fed up with bloody screens in my life. I feel playing a CD, LP or tape is akin to remaining in the physical world rather than peeing about in the virtual one.

So there.


Brilliant reply part of the enjoyment is browsing my collection and choosing some albums to play. Putting together a theme of music perhaps :thinking:. That moment of I haven’t played that for a while :thinking::grinning:. As you say, we all stare at screens too much I want to get away from that. Cds promote a more tactile approach to listening to music and appreciate what the artist has produced :grinning::blush:. Also the artist gets paid more for a cd than streaming :blush: hate streaming

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No need to choose between CD player and Streamer.

Go for a Primare CD/network player/transport.


Whilst this may be one awesome bit of kit the OP already has a very good streamer, just needs a CDP or CDT to allow them to play their CD’s, and does the Primare cost less than £500.


My suggestion wasn’t aimed at the OP, I didn’t link him to my post.

The thread has moved on, people now seem to be discussing CD Vs Streaming.

Keep Up. :grin:


I tried dbPoweramp on my Mac and didn‘t like it. I use Apple Music and rip to ALAC. If necessary I find the artwork on the web or copy my disk cover. Works perfectly. Bigger files than FLAC.

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Just trying to keep thread on track and it is about suggestions for CD spinners, having said that the Primary is a really good bit of kit.