CD Player recommendations

O dear, o dear, you’re not supposed to say so on this forum!

I found the pairing of BW and Naim working well if sufficient space around the loudspeakers.

A fellow SuperNait 1 user.


What actually explains what I sometimes notice here, that there is a certain opinion against the combination of B&W and Naim?
…but maybe that’s more for its own topic.

(I am also a very happy B&W and Naim listener myself…)


I have never owned B&W loudspeakers, but they certainly used to have the reputation of being very difficult to ‘drive’, even with Naim amps.

I have no idea whether that reputation was justified, or whether it still pertains today.

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In terms of impedance curves, yes it does, as has been pointed out in many a discussion on here.

As I have also pointed out, my 200 seems quite happy - insofar as it has never cut out or got hot - driving my 804D2s (and, before that, 804Ss), regularly to quite high volumes. From that, I infer that Naim amps are quite capable of driving difficult loads!


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Darn, I want some B&Ws now…

Erm… yes. And from the 250 upward, even more so… :open_mouth:

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Yeah, you do! Join the club…

Actually a 500 might struggle with low impedance more than a 300 or 250.

Bridged power amps always take a hit on low impedence handling. So if the difficulty is power, then the 500 will do better. But if the difficulty is impedence, a 300 will do better.

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CDP for Naim - I’m using a second hand Marantz CD6006 with my Naim Uniti Nova connected with a coax cable. It sounds brilliant but aesthetically iffy. I’m wary of Naim CD players having had a Uniti 2 which was always fussy about what CDs it would play and became totally unreliable after the warranty ran out. Although I use Qobuz Most days sitting down for an hour listening to an entire CD is a real albeit rare treat.

Those Meridians are a thing of beauty. Shame they aren’t making a comeback

Rotel make some decent cd players too btw

How come?

have the streamer brother of these the Marantz ND8006 in silver gold i woud say 70 porcent i use cd rest or usb front port flac or mp3 on 320 kbps or Tidal streaming


Because of the power supply sharing and not good enough digital output implementation

Great cd player transport, available in Chester on the bay. Good price as well. :+1:

You have piqued my interest. Unfortunately its like looking for a needle in a haystack!

Try the words Bel and Canto

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Cheers. Does look interesting. They have a Naim cd555 too but way out of my price range :slight_smile:

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