CD player versus Streamer

I have fiber now and absolutely no issues since several months. Before I had to restart all at least once a week, or restart the app which was freezing.
And when I discover a new album, I can have it quite instantly. I generally buy by tracks, because the full album rarely satisfies me.
So I don’t wait several days, neither 2 weeks as before ( cd imports), can enjoy immediately the album I like, and have not to search a long time to find the cd I want to put,
No way to return to a CD player, or have it both with a streamer.

I will never give up a CD player and shelves full of CDs:))

There are some threads on Ethernet cables, switches etc that anyone who reads them is buying a CD player but once you got the streaming working it is so easy to use with Roon, it is hard to beat for convenience and exploring new stuff

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One day, there’ll be a debate like this that goes this way:

X: “I like A.”
Y: “Really? I prefer B.”
X: “Fair enough. The world’s big enough for both of us.”
Y: “I’m happy with that.”

…instead of…

X: “I like A.”
Y: “You’re wrong. B is objectively better and anyone who thinks otherwise is misguided.”
X: “No, you’re wrong. I’m objectively and undeniably right to prefer A.”

… but today’s clearly not that day!



You have just summed up religion in one post.
Nice one.


I’d have been quite happy with that, i never said a word about one being better than the other. However, when CDs not playing, or cd using de magnetisers are cited as equal to network/streamer issues i have to laugh, and speak out.

Ah, but for me that misses the essential first step: find the right disc. Was that Vivaldi concerto on a Vivaldi disc or a disc of Baroque concertos and if so who’s conducting it? And who put the wrong disc back in the jewel case and …? On convenience, streaming wins easily for me. But there’s no absolute right and wrong in this — each to his own is fine by me.


I take your point, but I think there’s rather more to most religions than that! Actually, I think if I summed up anything, it’s social media rather than religion, but maybe social media is the 21st century substitute for religion (discuss… or, on second thoughts, don’t).

Most religious people I know are firmly in the first mode than the second, but I’m prepared to admit I’m probably lucky in that respect.


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I think you are mistaking me for someone who cares how others make their music choices. My reply was regarding reliability of streaming in general compared to the rock solid CD platform, and that’s it.

Oohh ooo…Patrick? Where are you?
This is getting heated…

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…streamer only for the past 3 and half years and enjoy the convenience and the sound.

Always happy to hear when other folks are loving their system no matter what the configuration happens to be!


Lovely, @seakayaker… that’s how it’s done!


Life is less interesting if we are not passionate about something.

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Passionate yes…obsessed…well…

Let’s leave it there shall we.

Patrick who??

Yes… that’s the mystery

I reckon he’s a fisherman :point_up:t2::joy:

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No mystery. It’s the only and unique post of Patrick since one year membership.
Next post will be at the end of 2021.

Gary I’m sorry streaming is a ball ache for you. We will have to agree to disagree, as my experiences are completely at variance to yours regarding convenience, robustness and long term reliability.

At the end of the day it’s about finding a simple and reliable way to enjoy your recordings. I have found mine, which to be fair I have evolved over the last near 21 years, and you have found yours… it’s the music that matters.

Edit… I do agree back in 1999 network streaming was more a labour of love, and one more for the enthusiasts, rather than being mainstream… but back then we were in the era of Minidiscs etc, marketed as being more robust, smaller than CD… it’s a shame no matter which ATRAC version you used it sounded woeful.


Simon, i refer to the feedback and experience of countless users over and over again, and the dealers/suppliers i know in this industry, not my experience alone. My stance is fairly straightforward, to compare the reliability of pressing play on a CD player to the whole network/streaming malarky that took you 21 years to evolve into is a little strange.

Well my first CD players in the late 80s were not always reliable either, and had a few false starts. Any technology takes a few years to mature, whether it be CD or streaming… my example with Minidisc shows perhaps not all technologies mature successfully and then die.

And as far as streaming for consumers from a technology and adoption perspective, that was the main part of my career through the 90s … bringing streaming (and online shopping) to the masses by system integrating mass consumer streaming systems… via DVB, internet or walled garden… and its relative ease of adoption has transformed the OnDemand market now, to the current ubiquity of streamed content and online shopping now having largely displaced physicals and hugely impacted bricks and mortar shops… this was actually a personal ambition of mine to achieve… what I did get wrong was the speed at which it happened… so I do feel rather well qualified to have a mass consumer perspective on the matter… albeit from a consumer industry perspective.

Though you may smile, one of our first truly successful interactive streamed retail applications coupled with streamed audio and video was selling CDs in a walled garden (on the early Sky digital platform)… this was before Amazon dominated and most didn’t have internet access.

The formula was simplicity, accessibility and breadth of CONTENT… and we achieved it in the late 90s… and primed many of the transactional platform and streaming architectures that went onto fuel the huge internet retail and streaming explosion.