CD Players

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Hello, New member here
I’ve been reading the forum for quite some time and recently specifically looking at topics regarding CDplayers.
I currently have a CD5 and have been thinking of going to CDX2 or CD2 but if, as it seems, Naim are struggling to service/repair many CD players I think the best option is to let the CD5 run its course and worry about it then. Shame really as I thought I’d get a ‘better’ CDP when I retired.
FWIW, I’m also in the ‘can’t stream won’t stream’ camp. It just doesn’t appeal in any way to me and in my 70th year, never will. Also, reading this thread(luddite alert) I’ve no idea about, and again aren’t interested in, Dacs or digital outputs or transports etc, just wanted a nice 1 or 2 box Naim player to connect to my 72. So, to my pointand having read this whole thread including it’s twists and swerves , any used/previously owned Naim CD player is now a gamble?? Is that a fair assessment?.

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Sell what you have and get a Naim CD5SI and then at least you will have something with a warranty and a service and repair option while it lasts.
That’s what I did, :+1:t2:

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Welcome. I use to say that as well but now I’m quite happy to stream hi res and play files from my Core. This forum is definitely taught me to remember that there’s no such thing as never.


Several of us on this forum have had their Naim CD players repaired or serviced recently (including mine - new mechanism). You’ll always be taking a chance, but those players are reasonably priced at the moment (second hand, of course).

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Welcome to the forum!

Recently bought a pre-loved CD5XS and using it with great satisfaction.
I thought this could still be repaired in case of a failure, but not really sure tbh.

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You can still upgrade the CD5 to a substantially better single box player. It just won’t have a matching green Naim logo on it.

Always remember, there’s more than one way to skin a cat. It’s easy to read the forum and come to the conclusion that there are in fact 1000 ways to skin the said cat, but that 999 of them are wrong.

Stupid question but why wouldn’t it have the Naim green light?

Because a new CD player substantially better than a CD5 isn’t currently made by Naim

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Sorry I thought you were talking about rebuilding a Naim cd player.

Definitely agree there’s better players and better prices than Naim are currently selling.

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I had my CDX2 serviced and upgraded to a digital output.

I am 100% in agreement with you over streaming services - bar one . Internet radio is superb , especially BBC and Classic FM . A streamer can also accept the digital output from your TV or satellite :satellite: dish .

My system has a Nova at it’s heart and I don’t have and won’t have a streaming service , but I would run a ND5XS2 and a Audiolab 6000 :cd: CDT very happily as a combination .

Hello, Ian, what advantage is it to have a digital output from the CD player? Where does the signal go, and how is it processed?

I assume, as you’ve gone to the trouble, that there’s a perceived audible improvement?

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Hi Terry, welcome to the forum.

I had a Cdx2, which when concerned about the long term viability because it had been discontinued had the same dilemma. I decided that I loved what the player did so traded in and got a more recent cdx2.2, think it was a 2012 for a 2019 model.

Most recently I listened to the new Rega Saturn 3, it’s a cracking player, built like a tank and to me looks great. I’ve got its little brother , the Apollo in my other system.

If I was in the market today for a new player from a company with a great reputation I’d be handing over my cash for the latest Rega.

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I’m still rather confused about whether Naim have officially given up on making and servicing CD players.

(And I just hope that I can get my CDS II fixed before the curtains come down for the last time.)

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Good morning Graham and hope progress is in sight?

Ah, my thinking :thinking: was this, I have a Nova and that has an analogue to digital converter , I wanted to by- pass this stage and send a digital signal straight to the DAC in the Nova.

I think the best course of action is to contact your dealer and ask about servicing issues. My feeling is that things have improved on the availability of parts.

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Are you home now?

Regardless of whether the immediate origin is an an optical disk with encoded data, magnetic media, or a solid state memory device and regardless of whether the extracted digital goes direct to a DAC or over a network, the key component that determines the sound quality is the DAC. Having the rendered signal from that origin - the front end of a CD player in your question - able to send its signal to a DAC of your choice rather than remaining confined to the DAC the manufacturer installed in the player means you can choose a better DAC than the one in the device. Given that DACs have continued to improve noticeably even in recent years, having a digital output enable you to use the CDP as a “transport” into a better DAC without greater cost of a new CD player incorporating both transport and better DAC, or still making it possible to upgrade a CDP where the manufacturer has ceased to make new ones.

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Me too, great player, really like my CD5Si


In other words, I am using a DAC on my Nova that is much more modern than that in my 2002CDX2

Of course when CD players go wrong it’s usually the transport/laser and rarely the Dac.