CD Players

My post was not a complaint. I like how the Naim dacs sound. I responded to Ian who said that the new streamers have now modern dacs inside, which is not the case.
Modern can be more accurate or resolved, but not forcefully sounding more enjoyable.
I have not yet found a more involving digital source than Naim.

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As somebody who has upgraded from a ND555 to a dCS, I would disagree. It’s all about opinions though @frenchrooster


Of course, it’s just my taste. I don’t say you are wrong.

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curious ambition!

Anybody ever tried an Audio Note CD player, interested to know where their models would sit alongside what was Naims top players, CDS 3 or CD555?

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I have an Audio Note CD player which I have had from the 90s. In common, I think, with all AN players it had a non oversampling Dac and a valve output stage.

Probably difficult to compare models with Naim as they are different animals with different presentations.

Difficult to describe sounds but from my own experience of trying a Naim player at home, AN players are likely to be a bit warmer, more colourful, richer, organic/analogue sounding, more 3 dimensional, more relaxed.

Hope this helps.

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Thanks for this, I currently has a CDS3 which I am very happy with and I do feel these are quite analogue in its sound compared to some of the other models /Naim made. If I needed to go else where, Audio Note was a company which stood out for me, much like Naim, does its own thing Tube / Dac etc. I just wondered where what level one woudl be looking at to reach a similar performance outside of Naim

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I have a Rega Isis. I think it is good. The reviewer Paul Messenger thought it was better than a cds3 plus 555ps (non dr) using 500 amps. There is the valve Isis. Jason Kennedy thought it was beautiful with stringed instruments and female voices. However, the non valve version was better for rhythm and timing. All the reviews of the ‘basic’ Isis commented on its analogue sound.

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Not familiar with this player but that is certainly high praise indeed from Paul Messenger, I has just ordered a 555DR to go with my CDS3 to replace my XPSDR. I have never listened to anything with a valve but I can absolutely see how the sound would literally warm up! How much are these players and are they one box or split?

Both one box. The price went up at the beginning of the year after being unchanged for nearly 10 years! Now the Isis is £7500 and the valve version is £8400. Quite a high price but with Rega you get a lifetime warranty on manufactured parts and Rega keep two matched mechanisms just for your player. I would guess a reasonably newish player could be bought from a dealer for say 60% of the new price with the two archived mechanisms still allocated to the second hand machine.


Isis user here. I Reduced box count from Ndac 555 psInnuos Zenith and CD transport. Great player. Extra bonus is the USB input so the Innuos can be used via USB. Not as rich as the NDac but has different qualities

Thanks both, I particularly like the after sales care here in respect of spare mechanisms, I know NOS can come with its own problems but I like the fact this has been considered by Rega, it certainly encourages loyalty. If I ever need to go outside Naim in the future Rega now definitely one to consider alongside Audio Note

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Thank you - I must admit you have got me thinking …

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So you can stream through an Isis?

Edit: Stopped being lazy and looked at the Rega website. Presumably if I connected a minimac and controlled through my iPad that would work?

No Rega have given streaming a wide berth , stuck to amps, CD players, record decks and speakers

Thing is , they have come up with some superb higher end products , as well as cheeky little products like the Io .

I have seen Minimac’s attached to DACs and used as streamers , never worked out how to control it via an iPad …

Hi @PeterR ,
Do let me know when you next plan to visit JN.

I’ll extend you an invitation for a mid-journey break.
@Gazza , consider yourself invited too.

Best regards, BF

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I’ve got a Kenwood DP7090 that has 8 x Burr Brown chips in the DAC. Absolutely superb machine despite its age. Stuck in a box now as I can’t seem to give it away. Using an Audiolab CT6000 into my Nova, in all honesty can’t say it’s an improvement


I remember the DP-7090. If you got a good one it was an uncommonly nice sounding CD player of its time for not much money - a real smoothie, but with just enough meat and muscle to keep things interesting. IIRC the chips were regular versions of the PCM1702s used by Naim in the CDX and CDSII. In the end the player was being discounted way below its £400 RRP which was a bit of a bargain considering, and I probably should have picked one up at that price, but by then I was heavily back into vinyl, which is what has kept me poor ever since…

Out of interest how does it compare as a transport?

Certainly not @anon70766008 , this SACD/CD player is on its way to me as I type. I cannot wait to get it installed and spin those discs. :grin: