CD Players

Don’t forget the Germans @anon70766008 , Audionet, Accustic Arts and Burmester make some fantastic CD players. First class build quality too! :grinning:

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Hi Yes I have run my mac through the Isis. Sound quality wise a Rasperry Pi is better. A proper streamer/ server with a decent power supply better still

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Hi Richard
It’s OK I suppose. Big lump of a machine just to play CD’s. As it’s just a transport I can’t really comment on its sound.

Cor! A D-10X @MrDom - please do let us know your impressions once it arrives and is settled in.


Thanks, will do. I can’t wait to actually play the physical CDs I own on an actual CD player :smile:

My current system plays back Red Book CD in a fashion I’ve never experienced before. Well recorded and mastered Red Book sounds like HD music. Unbelievable :smile: I can and do listen all day, fatigue never creeps in.

So, will be interesting to see what the D-10X can do. :thinking: I have a great reference for comparison.


I use Audirvana on the the MM as library and playing software, doing the rendering so that a digital audio data stream is sent direct to the DAC via USB. Audirvana has a remote control app which I have on my iPad and phone. I also have VNC remote computer control software installed on the MM and iPad which I use for control of the MM itself when needed for setting things up, any maintenance of files etc, and with which I can also control Audirvana directly just as if were to connect a keyboard and monitor.

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Thanks for such a complete answer , one of the great things about this forum is the depth of knowledge and the willingness to share it

Much appreciated

best wishes



Very well said :+1:
We all benefit from such generousity.

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try the CDS3? I have one, roughly its on the level of my LP12/Ekos/archiv.

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I think you should check the LP12 the CDS3 is very good for being a CD player,but it’s not close to a LP12,I think.

There’s a bit of vinyl elitist. Your LP12 isn’t “better” its just different.


The CDS3 is the CDS3 notwithstanding its PSU, whereas an LP12 can be in anyone of a multitude of configurations. And as @Pete_the_painter says they’re different.

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I was reflecting on your observation and at the risk of opening a non-CD thread within this one, that set me to ask myself what makes an LP12 an LP12? So, if you changed enough bits that only the bearing, motor and platter were actually made by Linn, is that enough?

It’s another variation on Trigger’s broom!

Long playing records and compact discs are very different things, indeed they have nothing in common - other than that they are both designed to store information for replay.

So it should be no surprise to anyone that the devices used to extract the information are completely different (again, nothing in common).

I have two separate devices for playing LPs and CDs. I’m more than happy with both, but I don’t ever compare the one with the other. I don’t think that I have ever listened to, for example, Carlos Kleiber or Jeff Buckley in a piece of music on LP and asked myself how would that sound on CD, or vice versa. There would be no point.

Some days I listen to CDs and some days to LPs. I regard myself as lucky to have the choice to do so.


Kleiber conducting Beethoven V with the Vienna Phil on vinyl is VERY special.

Absolutely so. Same with any other sources one might have lying around.

Some think that Carlos Kleiber’s recording of Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony is the best recording of a piece of classical music ever made.

Others think that the qualification (that is, ‘of a piece of classical music’) is unnecessary.

I side with the latter group, although I try not to play the recording too often.

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I thought Kleiber’s 7th was better.

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Fair enough.

The Beethoven Seventh was on the programme on the only occasion that I ever saw Carlos Kleiber conduct in concert.

Fortunately, we can have both on record.

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It was. But neither deserve the almost God-like worship that I read. He has obtained a rather unhealthy cult image over the recent years, and everyone seems to go along with the hype.

Don’t get me wrong, they are great, but there are many great 5ths and 7ths out there.