CD Players

Such things aren’t as rare as it seems. I was at my dealer’s before Xmas and they had this Esoteric four box CD player on display from the Grandioso range. One transport, two mono DACs, and a master clock generator. My entire annual salary didn’t come close.


What a gruesome-looking collection of objects. I’d far rather have my little second system at home - NAT-02, Nait2 and a pair of LS3/5As. I imagine that they would sound better too.

The old line about all their taste being in their mouth must apply in spades here.


It’s what happens to peoples systems when they start “upgrading “ :rofl:

Let’s crank up the platitudes, and add ‘more money than sense’ to ‘all taste in their mouths’.

He he no change from a million of your English pounds sir !!!

Come on, it’s far too early for an April Fool’s joke.

As Mr McEnroe said many years ago, ‘You cannot be serious’.

If you were mad enough to buy that cr*p, you’d have to strip back and re-spray those blue/green loudspeakers before giving them house room.


It’s ok you can sleep easy they can spray them any colour you like or you could buy their big brothers :flushed::rofl:

They could not pay me enough to allow those things into my home. I’ll stick with my six ‘room heaters’.


They remind me of the sorting hat from Hogwarts.


Yes, good call.

And they’d always come up with ‘Slitherin’

I can’t tell you what my daughters said these speakers reminded them of:



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I could have a guess though. :rofl::rofl:

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The 'speakers look as if they might be about to try to exterminate Doctor Who.

And please tell me that the wooden cabinet in the middle is just that, and not part of the 'speaker system.

One could buy a decent car for that amount of money :yawning_face:

True but you won’t get a cd player in it. :grin:


Oh come on spill the beans :joy:


CDS3 is actually better by far than an LP12. Its also zero hassle to maintain. Thats partly why so many LP12 gurus and fanatics became converts to the CDS3. They are very very rare now- good luck finding one!

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I assume that you’re being intentionally provocative.

If not, you will find that many disagree about the relative merits of Naim’s CDS3 and Linn’s LP12.

For myself, I don’t worry, as neither could do the job that the other does. And I like to have both (although I have a CDS II.)