CD Players

Totally agree @anon70766008. I too have a CDS2 and an LP12, and I enjoy them equally. They are very different beasts and serve very different purposes for me.


I couldn’t possibly. Not on a respectable family-friendly forum such as this.

Sorry , but no way.

Tis so :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Ridiculous statement, what configuration of LP12? Basik/K9 or Klimax?


The discussion was about a LP12/Ekos/Arkiv.

the LP12/Ekos/archiv on a mana lp12 table stand but it was just not as good as the CDS3… theres a reason why the used market has no CDS3s but is flooded with LP12s

I’ve had both CDS3 /555PS DR and the CD555 and they have no chance against a well set up LP12.


I agree with that wholeheartedly, but there are revisionist tendencies afoot!

Indeed, the LP12 has been in production for 50 odd years so there’s an awful lot of ‘em out there🙈

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Is this going anywhere?

What playing the same old scratched record over and over

Seriously all my sources are about equal I would say and the LP12 was very well setup

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I wonder if Linn (or anyone else, for that matter) have any way of knowing how many LP12s are still in use, however much they have been ‘improved’ over the years.

As a starting point, does anyone have any idea how many LP12s have left the factory?

Of course not, a bunch of silly old sods squabbling about hifi, what do you expect :smile:


Revisionist : Meaning…
someone who examines and tries to change existing beliefs about how events happened or what their importance or meaning is

Sounds about right

Don’t know about revisionist but this thread was meant to be about CD players. However as per normal a few vinyl nuts seem to think it’s an opportunity to remind everyone that they’re right and everyone else is wrong.


I think they started building GPS receivers into them and were provided as secret kits as part of a multitude of upgrades which I believe has an unknown silly name beginning with “k”

I’m just surprised someone didn’t say a Rega P3 wipes the floor with an ND/CD555.

The old forum was rife with such claims.

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It’s a bit rude. Don’t see anyone going on the “show us you turn table” thread and banging on about streamers or cd players.

All form of music reproduction has its plus’ and minus don’t think anyone has the absolute answer, it’s preferences and differences.


About 160,000 in all configurations, IIRC (left the factory, that is - not sure how many are still in use)