CD5X Repair

I brought my CD5X in for repair to my local dealer in April 2023 and it still as of December 29th has not been sent to Naim as apparently they don’t have the parts available to fix it. Does this make sense? Will Naim discontinue support of this unit? How long is the typical wait for repair and servicing? I also have a NAP 250 that needs a service but I don’t want to be without my system for 12 months.

Appreciate any information.


Possibly it requires a replacement VAM1202 mech. Supply is getting very difficult - see previous posts on here on this subject - but I don’t think Naim have given up all hope yet. @NeilS may know what is the current situation with 1202s.

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I wouldn’t think the NAP250 service would be affected as badly, if at all, from parts supply though. Might be worth asking your dealer if they can advise on that, whilst the CD player is waiting. If you’re in the UK then Class A in Sheffield are also Naim authorised, and from other’s accounts on here might turn your NAP service around a bit quicker

isn’t the same mech as the CDX2 ?

I have had a NAP250 serviced recently, by @Darran at Class A. No problem - done same day…!!


Naim tried to replace a ‘dead’ transport mechanism on my much-loved CDS2, but it didn’t work, so I got my money refunded and Audio T binned the player.

Is that the same VAM they have in the CD5XS Richard do you know ?

I assume so but don’t know

Thanks, much appreciated

Yes, the VAM1202 was the last “Philips” mech and widely used by Naim. It can be found in the Uniti, CD5i, CD5I, CD5x, CD5xs, later CDX2 (sometimes referred to here as the CDX2.2), and also in CDS3s where the mech update has been applied during a service following the demise of stocks of the VAM1250.

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Still no change as far as I’m aware. I will be pushing for a resolution to this matter in the new year, one way or another.
It’s getting a bit silly in my opinion.



Oh I’m very sorry to hear that. Since my CDS3 transport is(was) still alive and it’s back in the UK for a second DAC replacement, I hope it does not come back broken. Let’s see. I have still had no news about the repairs (sent in October) and it’s been I while since I dropped it at my dealer. I can’t believe these turn around times now. It’s getting rather silly IMHO

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Have the CD5x as well.Sent mine in to Naim North America who told me the player need a new laser and they “found one”.I now believe it was one of those Chinese eBay sold replacements.Anyway,the player has developed a problem reading some discs (have to try 4 times) and struggling on the first track (distorted sound) on nearly EVERY disc.I contacted them about this problem and they told me they have NO lasers to replace mine now.

The shame with mine is that Naim apparently managed to fix it with a mechanism brought back from South America, but the carriage from Salisbury to Brighton seems to have killed it off again.

I’m still looking for a Naim CDP, as I have so many CDs which are currently unplayable (to me in my current CDP-less state).

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Just a follow up.Naim UK said the player can be updated to use the new laser as used in the CD5si but I would have to send the player to Naim in the UK.With so many of us who own older players in the same boat -why can’t they do this at Naim North America as well?

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Ouch. That’s really sad

Yes, I wasn’t Naim’s happiest customer that day. Audio T thought that I hadn’t connected it back into the system properly, but they weren’t able to bring it back to life. At least Naim refunded the parts and labour charge, for which I was grateful.

Sorry Graham, but I thought CDS2 (unlike CDS3) was easy to repair because of a stock of transports. Maybe I’m missing something here but surely if the transport gave out then it could be sent back for repair again instead of being junked?

I’m not sure who told you that, but it simply isn’t the case I’m afraid. :frowning_face:

However, the symptoms you describe regarding your player, sound like the platter (where the disc sits) glue has failed & it is slipping on the motor spindle.
There are some simple tips on how to reglue here:


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Thanks all I guess there is some comfort in knowing I’m not alone with this issue. Similar to one of the individuals I was having issues reading track one, but ultimately the player wouldn’t read any disks. It seems Naim won’t accept the player from the local dealer to diagnose the problem because of the 1202 part shortage. It would be good if you could get some resolution as I really miss playing my cds and don’t really want to spend £1600 on a new player unless it necessary.

Are naim dealers selling second hand naim cd players obliged to tell customers
that these supply issues on certain parts exist?
I hope so for the sake of honesty!

That’s not what happened in my case. I have put out feelers to dealers that I know fairly well (Audio T, Grahams, Cymbiosis and TomTom), but no luck so far. It’s just such a shame - and very frustrating - to have hundreds of CDs, but no CD player in my main system.

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