Chord GroundARAY - brilliant or bollocks?

Naim has been ruled against:

We all seem to be happy to buy Naim (but perhaps not their cables?)


Been using the Cardas version forever…

So how would those caps work. Like making a ground shield around the female hot pin preventing RFI to be absorbed?


This seems to be just caps like the AQ. I can see how it might prevent dust, but RFI is not dust

I have only one Sarum t power cord on the 555 dr. I found it clearly better performing vs the powerline. Well done Chord !

Advertised as reduced rfi,emi and keeps clean… (Cardas sig rca caps)
Can’t tell you one way or another.
I’ve used them to insure I use the correct inputs…


That’s a perfectly valid use for them! :slight_smile:

Too much information, HH.


I love that Eagles song, don’t you?

Warm smell of colitis, rising up through the air :musical_note:


Wasn’t that a Beatles song?

:musical_note: The girl with colitis goes by … :musical_note:


Not now… it seems to have been deleted!

Not deleted, but is currently isolated and under review as there’s a distinct possibility that forum rules may have been broken.

As an aside, I note that the thread also appears to have become the de facto “Chord forum” on the Naim forum, which is not really in the spirit of things here and does rather stretch Naim’s hospitality to the limit, the original question posed on the thread having been answered long ago and the conversation having moved on to other things. If members just wish to discuss Chord electronics to the exclusion of Naim then there are probably better places - is there a Chord forum?


Not specifically unfortunately :pensive:… but I get the hint. This is a Naim forum but as Naim doesn’t offer new standalone DACs and that they’re often used with Naim gear it seemed to benefit both.

I’ll just grab my jacket :joy:

Discussion is fine, all Naim ask is that members respect that it is the Naim forum, respect and abide by forum rules, and don’t “take the piss”. Creating a thread that turns into a brand forum within the Naim forum is not on, and will usually just be removed, which is a shame.


Chord cables, Rega and Linn should be considered as partners. They stimulate the sellings of each other.

That said, we have people on here who own not a scrap of Naim, and bang on endlessly about how great Chord - the electronics, not the cable and voodoo people - is. That, to me, is taking the piss.


A few dCS enthusiasts too. It must be difficult for Richard to know where to draw the line.


Read the adjudication and noted the ASA had not done the listening test that Naim had suggested, after all that’s what it came down to.

Funnily enough I raised a headline with the press complaints about a grossly misleading headline in a certain ultra right wing tabloid saying the rise of a party in Norway threatened the EU. Norway never being or ever had been a member of aforesaid organisation.

Got nowhere

I think that when it’s part of a Naim system then it’s a ‘partner’ as FR said above. My ProAc speakers and Tellurium cables are partners to my Naim. But when people own no Naim and promote other brands as ‘better’ then it’s going too far in my opinion.