Christmas fragrance adverts on TV

I switch off (my brain) or do something else, during TV adverts, so not been aware of any such adverts. As for stink in pubs, since the ghastly Brut in 70s I’ve never been particularly aware of otter people’s fragrances except when a girl wearing nice perfume has passed close (rare in pubs!)

In theory, no reason why not. Except that it can be an assault on other people’s noses. I can no longer smell anything (for many years, now) which I deeply regret - except for the sometimes overpowering scents that some people wear. Subtle is fine, but I think some use it as a form of chemical warfare.

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Are you sure? I would have thought that would contravene the Geneva conventions.

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It’s generally a young people thing. We old farts know better.



Yes, I think what matters with any fragrance is subtlety - barely perceptible more than a foot or more from the person or more than for a few seconds after they’ve passed, not flooding so it knocks out anyone within a 10m range - and that applies whether the cheapest or most expensive perfume.

I found an unbelievably cheap but decent fragrance this year, to my nose a match in terms of pleasantness and fragrance quality to other of my current fragrances of choice, which are considerably more expensive (a factor of considerably more than 10!). Whilst I have the other two, the cheap one is my day to day aftershave (all of them diluted with alcohol and a touch of glycerol to make them suited to aftershave use)? This link to where I posted details in another thread: What Fragrance do you use - #25 by Innocent_Bystander

I’m sure the cheap one isn’t advertised on TV - otherwise it would cost a lot more!

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The dreaded smartphone keyboard effect! Rather suits in this case!

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Reminds me of Sir Les Patterson telling Kate Moss that ‘I’ve just released my own fragrance too’.

You can imagine the rest.



Please share

Can’t blame you! Since the dreaded PC brigade took over, ads don’t seem free to be funny or witty anymore. Now left with generally pants programs with pants ads on terrestrial tv in the UK.

As for perfume ads, almost without exception aimed at those very easily manipulated, a total switch off.



Scary how a simple post like that can bring the smell instantly back. I envy those who have forgotten it.


The worst has to be:

It makes your eyes water even as you walk past.


The branch in our local shooping centre closed, unfortunate for the staff, but the pungency was so strong that you could taste it as well. Perhaps it shoud have an F at the beginning to explain its purpose.

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Ho Ho Honk

We had one locally and it literally induced the gag reflex within quite a wide radius.


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Yes. I steer well clear of the Lush shop.
Totally overpowering.

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Can’t stand that kind of shop. It makes my nose twitch and eyes water as soon I go in.

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I guess none of you have a tweenage daughter…she loves that sh*t. Nose peg time whenever I have to venture there. All I can say is, I’m glad she has her own bathroom.


Two “millennial” daughters and a DB, all of whom have included stuff from Lush on their Xmas Wish Lists.


A mate briefly worked there years ago. Said the smell followed you home every day for hours.