Colds - don't you just hate them!

It’s to do with staffing levels. You “just” need a nurse for the ‘flu jab. Had mine on Friday and it took less than 5 minutes and was of course booked in advance. When I got this cough that’s going around I would have had to wait days if not weeks for an appointment so didn’t bother making one. In the end I had it for nearly a month……

Time to get the face masks on again :mask:


One solution to the cost of living crisis and colds is to turn the thermostat down and wrap up more. This will boost the immune system and you probably won’t be able to tell the difference between the cold and a cold, both of which make the nose run! Your health will improve because you will loose weight having to move more to keep warm and it will boost the peripheral circulation. This was life before central heating.

Well the theory is good. Developing a strong immune system is important along with controlling the detrimental factors such as stress and poor diet.


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