Connecting Naim system with power distribution block

Why not contact Grahams then. I know you want to help people, but baseless comments on manufactures products without the knowledge of exactly how they are made and any certification involved doesn’t really help.

I’ve got my opinion the same as anyone else and I’ve no axe to grind with anyone but if someone suggests something to me I don’t like I’d rather say why than be rude ignoring.
If people are happy and otherwise not interested about knowing then it’s up to them.
I see lots of things in life I don’t like but can’t fix everything.
It’s not rocket science for anyone even slightly clued up about electrics to see why I’m concerned.

Indeed it’s not rocket science but it’s not exactly rocket science producing a safe, multiway mains distribution cable in the manner that Grahams have. I’d probably use a different method for something going into a harsh environment but for the more benign environment under a typical Hi-Fi rack, I’d not be too concerned.

My house didn’t burn down when I owned one.

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I play the lottery and I haven’t won.
Don’t take my opinion personally it was asked for but regardless of the environment safety is first.
Your money your house your conscience.
It was suggested to me and I don’t rate it that’s that. :+1:t2:

I’ve had three and lived to tell the tale. It’s of course right to be sensible, but steering people away from a perfectly legitimate product, tried and tested over decades, just on a hunch, seems a bit unreasonable. As you say, they just sit on the floor, it’s not like people are using them to tie up a cross channel ferry.

Ok - I think there’s much more chance of my fridge catching fire than a Grahams Hydra, but that’s my personal attitude to electrical risk.

Lets agree to disagree :+1:

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I just didn’t want to be rude.
It was suggested I previously looked into and no way for me but thanks for the suggestion I wouldn’t have ignored a reply. :sunglasses: :+1:t2:

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