Cookies corner

I’ve found over the last day or so that clicking on an image seems to be a bit more fiddly as there seems to be an enlarged then a full size version (which does not display fully in some cases) - used to be easier from memory to close the enlarged image now there’s an X top right to navigate to which seems further away - may just be some images, perhaps imagining it, but looks a bit untidy.

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At least it doesn’t exhibit my biggest annoyance with websites which let you click on an image to enlarge/zoom it but only show the exact similar sized image when you do so - pointless behaviour, and very prevalent on many sites.

There are a couple of threads now relating to the website - might an official or dedicated website feedback thread be useful here or in FAQ and support?

Agree. I’ll combined this thread with the existing one.


I’m told that the cookie preferences relies on a cookie to remember a user preference.

So on initial page load, user gets asked the question, when they’ve chose a cookie is set to allow or disallow the marketing cookies.

If that cookie gets removed, then the form will show again on the next visit.

Unfortunately there’s not a lot that can be done about it if you disallow all cookies or clear them each time.

I allow necessary on site cookies to persist, but don’t allow cross site cookies at all. In other words I don’t automatically clear all cookies on browser exit.

There seems to be no way to leave a persistent on site cookie that specifies rejection of all but necessary cookies - and just accepting all cookies will also enable 3rd party and tracking cookies which I don’t allow.

Even specifically permitting cookies from (only) still doesn’t persist the setting unless you allow 3rd party cookies as well.

Annoyingly this site is also disabling language selection in Firefox enforcing the use of US English (and disabling use of en-gb for spell checking).

I have checked my browser, and en-gb works fine on other sites.

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For me it appeared only once and never since on my IPad Air 2.

Just seen it on iphone for the first time

Next time, on our Naim app, we will have advertisings. “Skip in 10 seconds “ and listen to your track. Joking, but who knows, maybe it will be that in some years.
Or pay more Qobuz or Tidal to skip advertisings.

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Well, I’ve “consented” so many times in the last 24 hours I could be gang-violated with no hope of legal recourse.

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I would estimate 99.99% in the internet is - meanwhile - about data. Even those websites that neither are supposed to sell things nor place any advertisement start collecting data. With help of cookies.
And, while long being undetected, eprivacy gets its intention. As far as I understood you have to agree/diagree in a simple manner. Of course, most website operators don’t like it because they are loosing their business model, thus they try to make it as much difficult as they can to get rid of cookies. I assume those tedious details will disappear after some time as they are not in line with (upcoming) eprivacy rules.
Until then I simply use other websites. Usually there is at least one other doing what I want without putting a GPS tracker on my a**. Or decide that the company of my interest is not interested in making real business with me; I let them go.

@Richard.Dane I only read the Naim forum on my iPhone and iPad and only use Safari. I never sign out. I quite often (say once a week or so) have to ok out the cookies message when I go to the forum and had to again today on both devices.

Strange that your developer can’t replicate it though. Does he have Apple devices for testing on?



Yes he does. As well as others. He is still working on it though.

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Any update about a fix for the cookie window pop up? Despite me accepting it came up 5 times while browsing the forum on an iPad this morning.

I notice that the pop up window is exactly the same as I often see on going to the Naim website. So this is wholly a Naim pop up, not a Discourse platform pop up.



It’s on Naim’s web developer’s agenda but AFAIK we still don’t know what particular set of conditions causes it to happen. Annoying, all the same.

Spile, are you using the Discourse App on your iPad or just logged in through Safari?

I’ve been forced to click on the allow cookies message hundreds of times now.
I’ve tried shifting all the settings to allow it the most generous and the most mean permissions, and I’ve tried logging out on all devices.
But it keeps coming up, and asking me again, and again and again…

My fingertip is hurting (emotionally)!

Jim, are you properly logged into the forum? And are you using any program running in the background that may be suppressing or disallowing cookies?

What OS and browser are you using?