
Not sure about that Pete. The UK press will always be either fully positive or fully negative whatever happens.

The team and management haven’t hyped this series. Indeed from the start of their regime they have talked about entertaining and being competitive. They always accepted not necessarily being the best players in the world, but trying to bring their own best performances.

Nobody expected India to be easy.


The last delivery that put the Windies tail ender out showed the dangers of cricket, his toe looked seriously damaged

Doing OK thanks Pete, my epidural pain relief stopped working during the night and I’ve been happily floating on oral morphine, they should score and fit a morphine pump later. 2 days of nil by mouth to check the duodenum has healed, then probably another day in and home.

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It did, I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s broken. I can’t see him bowling this innings.

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I guess from here all we heard last year was bazball, it was headlines and featured in every article.

I’m all for good aggressive cricket, but felt each ball innings game has to be played on merit.

Aus to win this test easily Pete

Pity really would have been good to go down to the wire

You’ll be listening to a lot of Pink Floyd. :grin:

As a side note (and a some time wicketkeeper) it has been great watching Bharat 'keeping on a turning wicket. Foakes not quite as slick.


I’d like to see it close. I think the WIs have the makings of a decent side they just need a few things to go their way.

The spinning bail highlighted their luck, Carey was only 6. His innings turned it back in our favour.

Good partnership for the 5th wicket.


Interesting times for both teams

I see Aus team need to come to the realisation
that a few of the older dudes need to depart , issue is who will replace them - not a lot of smart thinking around that by the looks of it

Certainly green shoots for this West Indies team , they could be rather good in the nest few years

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Let’s hope so.

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Sorry if my bazball post sounded a little ungracious it was never meant to be, I did just wanted to wind you guys up.

My bad (as my grandkids would say).

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Not only not broken but his bowling today.

Edit: his just taken 2 wickets in 2 balls.

Edit edit his now taken 4/29 to put the Aussies still needing 80 odd to win. Love it

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…and now 6 down. Getting squeaky Pete!

England making a game of it? Cannot decide if the pitch has just got easy because it is now so slow, and 220+ will be a cakewalk for India, or it is going to be more of a challenge. It is worth remembering that in their last 44 home Tests India have won 36 and lost just 3.


Great fight back from England and the WIs. Good for cricket.

Tbh I won’t be unhappy to see the WIs win.

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Great to see India players congratulating Pope as he departs. Not so good to see Leach limping badly.


My fault.

I woke up early and was debating whether to put the radio on to listen to the cricket, but have a habit of jinxing England.

Very first ball I heard: Pope being bowled. Should have gone with my first instinct.

Aussies need 20 @ 9/196. :scream:

Smith is on 87, just hit a 6 over the wicket keepers head.

And first Indian wicket down. Not sure which channel to follow…