
Let’s hope so, obviously I’d like us to win but it’d be good for WI (and cricket in general) if they were to win.

Aussies now only trailing by 35 runs, after 4/24 it’s a pretty good fight back though.

Agree - fighters they are

Pat declared 22 runs behind just to have a crack at the openers under lights.

Smart move

In other news. Duckett now describes England’s position as “commanding”. :joy:


Can I have some of what he is on please.


God this is annoying both tests start and finish at the same time and even the breaks are at the same time.

Hard flicking between them.


At least you have the choice. I can only get them on the radio. Listening to England, but they have KP on, very annoying.


Only one is really competitive though.

England are minus 32 for 4.

Worse still, KP is alternating with the BT Sport TVcommentary. At least you can turn the volume down.

Bumrah bowled a beautiful spell this morning, moving the ball both ways. Class.


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KP is on the TV as well, god he’s annoying


I do like Michael Vaughan, probably have to go and wash my mouth out with soap for that though.

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Noticeable we are not getting him on radio or TV just now. The issue I had with him is he is often deliberately contrarian to trigger a reaction.



He’s been out here a few seasons and while he can be a little one sided I’d rather 50 of him than one KP.

WI’s putting up a bit of a fight this test.


Every time I hear KP I find myself thinking what a pita he must have been to captain or even play with.



Ok at the risk of offending everyone how Bazball going. Are we all willing to admit it’s just cricket and by creating the term and the whole bs that went with it has just put too much pressure on the players.

The term was created by the media, McCullum asked them to stop using it. And it’s been a massive success as a change technique, look at the horrific performances before Brendan took over and look at the success rate since. He and Stokes have taken a team that was losing everything badly and they’ve won a lot of series since.


I’m with you it’s not the “style” of cricket which I do appreciate it’s the use of the term. Everything with that kind of zazzle dazzle just puts pressure on the players. The media always want to put a label on things.

(How are you?)

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Change of attitude not just technique. Positivity, not just with the bat but in the field, and in selection. Trusting people to deliver and backing them. Accepting the odd failure. When you think what Mccullum and Stokes have achieved you also have to remember how dreadful they were before

As has been said England team and management don’t use the term, it is a media creation.

Anything that gets crowds and fans excited in Test cricket is probably OK with me.


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You know how I feel about test cricket imo it is cricket. But by building up the hype it sets them up to fail. Then the press turns on them as they won’t take responsibility and then it has a negative effect on the public.

Seriously good innings from the Pope.