
Please don’t let it be so…it’s John McEnroe comment time.

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Sadly the unthinkable becomes thinkable.

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A great shame, Worcestershire could argue to have the most attractive ground in the country


Having been involved in the campaign for a replacement sports ground , the replacement must offer equivalence or better (NPPF 99)

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I suspect funding could be an issue. WCCC’s annual turnover is less than the wages of a Premier League footballer. ( probably not a very good one).

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Gloucestershire seem to be able to do it, as did Hampshire. Sadly it would mean big sponsorship. As for facilities, excellent drainage, hospitality and training would be a prerequisite, as would be good transport links, both public and parking.

The question is how many such new stadia are necessary in England?

A flat opposite the pitch… lots of people might want to buy one .

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A shame about the people who did that in Bristol … hotels or residential? A hard decision for investors.

Update from Ashley Giles: Worcestershire CCC: Ashley Giles says 'maybe timing is right' for Pears to leave New Road - BBC Sport

I imagine they would have to get it passed the members. The history of the current ground is quite interesting.

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Careful what you wish for as, IIRC, the flats at Taunton are ‘retirement homes’ (a class of property ownership to be avoided IMHO), and various ‘deals’ have been done by clubs to surrender part of the ground plot as a quid pro quo for new facilities being built.

Also, IIRC, The Rose Bowl was a greenfield site, and part of the business plan was founded on getting Test status and holding other events, as there wasn’t a ground in the south to this end. One can only guess what went on behind the scenes, noting the square took several years to settle.

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A comment from the Guardian recently made me chuckle: “It is not easy to see Agnew as a Test spearhead,” the Guardian wrote when he was recalled to the side in 1985. “Agnew is a bowler of occasionally devastating deliveries. He is capable of what the pros call ‘a Jaffa’, but the Jaffas all-too-often come in a barrel of rotting golden delicious.”

Mind you, Aggers never claimed to be a great bowler …, nor perhaps a great commentator despite the “leg-over” incident.


His Wiki page is an interesting read (IMV).

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Think he got Viv out?

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County Championship starts today - proper cricket is back!


Lancs v Surrey on R5x. Oh no it’s not. Warwickshire v Worcestershire instead, and there is a live stream too on the tube.
No more music … just cricket, cricket, lovely cricket


Blimey Dan Lawrence on first change for Surrey and among the wickets.

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Yippee - Jos Buttler is back in the runs playing for the 'Royals. Not saying more in case I lay down the dreaded curse!


Congrats to Sam Northeast: what an innings.
335 not out at Lords.


Lancashire lost nine wickets to Leg Spinners. In April. You couldn’t make it up.


One-third of his way to 1,000 runs before the end of May after two days! Only done twice since 1938, last by Graeme Hick in 1988 which included his epic score of 405.