Crisis of I alone?

I tried twice to go through my 300lp collection starting from A. Never got further than F though. Then gave up and embraced manual shuffle style. :wink:

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I’ve often considered creating a favourites section in mine ala Spotify/Qobuz et al.
The danger being, of course, that you rarely stray from it…
Anybody else done this or considered it?:thinking:

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Only 300 LP’s? A mere weekend’s worth for some on this Forum. For shame, sir…

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I can relate. This happens to me too. And I agree with those who have advised you to try to connect with the music.

But that can be easier said than done. My advice? Go hifi cold turkey for a while. Get off the forums (unpopular opinion to express here). Stay away from hifi websites, blogs, vlogs, shops. Quit following hifi content on social media, if you’re on it. Silence other people’s opinions for a while so that you can reconnect with your own.


I have found that dipping into the recesses of my CD collection has brought unexpected rewards! Inevitably I listen to favourites but I purposely now leave the CDs and the records a little disorganised so there is this ‘lucky dip’ element to make me shuffle my listening habits.

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And how will that help?

Got chucked off a well known used Naim dealers site for god forbid suggesting that some people spent too much money too quickly before exploring their music with the kit they had before upgrading to obtain a greater insight.
According to some my set up includes some real honkers like the CDX and 102 but my music appetite and interest has only grown. Be your own judge nearly lost my kit a few years ago due to a job loss and yes it does sound different due to mood etc but it is my source of enjoyment from tears to immense involvement. Enjoy the music.


I am very grateful for the wise responses. This is a very considerate and thoughtful community.
I cannot argue with any of the views and suggestions. And I have reflected much.
As a guitar player I have spent decades analysing and perfecting tone. It is a common obsession. I think I have fallen partly into that mindset.
I also think improvements quite quickly become the norm as you cannot retain comparative memories. Well I can’t.
I have compiled a small playlist of tunes that sound wonderful. I will refer to this when in doubt.
Finally, I realise I actually enjoy the researching and consideration of new things. I find it relaxing, but also need to acknowledge it fuels doubt in my existing system. Reconciling that is useful together with the common sense in many posts above.
I am happily enjoying some laid back tunes with my wife this evening. I am absolutely not reading up on Kudos Titans.
Thanks again. In the words of a fellow forum member…wishing you a lovely evening and weekend.


In nearly 50 years of owning a hi-fi system I too have gone through phases of being worried, does it sound right or as good as I should for the money. It wasn’t long before I stopped worrying about the system and focused on the music. If I am enjoying my music then I don’t worry about whether the system sounds good or not to others. The only time I listen with a focus on my system is when I change something, if I have moved it or if I find I am not enjoying my music as much.


I find the Jukebox facility on my streamer either across the collection or for a single genre has a similar effect allowing me to re-discover my music.

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Thank you for your wise advice. I never knew that!

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bang on. Naim reveals how the track was recorded and the quality of that recording.

That is some profile…cripes!!!

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I see what you mean!

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Come on Lindsay you have got some catching up to do……stiff upper lip and all that😉


Well I got offered a new 252 on a very good deal indeed. Couldnt resist and i feel strangely calm and better for pulling the trigger. It was my long term goal and end game. Somewhat quicker than I or my accountant intended but …:man_shrugging:


Hi Kipstryker.

If it’s your thing put on Joe Cocker, Ruby Lee, turn the volume up and tell me how good that sounds.

This reminds me how good my system is!

Happy listening.


I may of spoke too soon, had a over last night who clearly didn’t like my new Neats. After he left I was feeling rather deflated.

Think he may have been a bit harsh as they’re only about 30 hours old. My confidence was low but todays a new day and I’ll get over his criticism (I hope).

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That’s the worst…… I had the same when I was showing off my new ND555.

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I know I always it’s better to say nothing or use the word nice. But no, he told me he didn’t think my new speakers were good enough for my stack. :flushed: