Dan's thread

I wouldn’t go there out of principle having seen the reply from the owner following a chap that just wanted to buy a bag of chips for his daughter to eat at a table in the empty restaurant.

Just shameful.

“Harbour Fish & Chips (owner)

No explanation from you!
Do you go to an Indian restaurant and ask for a bowl of rice in the restaurant?
The restaurant is as suggests. For meals. Not for plates of chips.
Why do you assume you we are a parking zone for your child.
Don’t come back ever!”

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I hope to be at the fish & chip restaurant around 5.00 pm Thursday. Sadly I won’t be able to stay for the “drinks tour” of Salisbury afterwards but I look forward to meeting everyone and hearing about the factory visit.

Have a good tour everyone.



Hope those who make tonight’s meet-up have an enjoyable evening and that the tour and evening social meet go well tomorrow.


For those here who are booked to come along with Dan for tomorrow’s forum factory tour, here’s a reminder of the factory address;

Naim Audio ltd.
Dolphin Industrial estate
Southampton Road

As you are heading out of Salisbury on the Southampton Road, you will pass Wiltshire College on your left, a Mercedes dealership, and then a petrol station - Dolphin Industrial Estate is the next left.

Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow.


Hoping you all have a good day (and night)

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Who do they think they are? Harry Ramsdens ?

I will make a point of asking for a half-pence worth of scraps with my bag of chips… :innocent:

Maybe he got the answer he deserved, whiny customers can be hell…

Bags of chips all round, then… :joy:

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Esso, if it helps.

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Have a good time all! Particularly Dan, hope you have a thoroughly enjoyable day :slight_smile:


We need photos, preferably with raised glasses.


What time should we arrive Richard?

Naim propose an arrival time for guests of 10:30, ready for a site tour at 11:00.

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Thanks Richard.

Go easy when you are at the loading bay Richard, no more overloading the dog wagon!

Good luck and best to Dan and those on the tour, usually a fascinating experience.
Beware too much - a shaking with the i/cs.

For those who remember some of the best Naim units being certain NATs - cast a look skyward from outside, left side and take note of the Galaxie 23s, iirc there are more than one, which the late RS rigged.
Indeed NeilS suggested a couple of months ago that there were four - available for quad listening perhaps?
Only a G17 here, ready for the proms! Enjoy.


Have a great time @Dan_M . With you in spirit.



We are still at Naim HQ if anyone is waiting at the chip shop!


We’re waiting for the pics, Dan. Hope you and the others on the factory visit had an enjoyable day. Enjoy the Fish & Chips :+1:


No problem, Dan - @ChrisG and I have just finished our food and were wondering if you’d stood us up!

We’ll stay here and wait, unless you want to propose a secondary meeting point…


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