Dan's thread

I hope your daughter’s treatment is successful and she goes on to live a long and happy life.


Best wishes to you, and to your daughter.


Thank you all for your kind words.

Twenty five years ago I lost my mother to breast cancer, nine years ago my wife was successfully treated for breast cancer, now my daughter has the same horrible disease . The only positive I can take from it is that in the last nine years the treatment has definitely advanced, it’s less evasive regarding the side effects. The radiotherapy has also advanced as well, the NHS have done a wonderful job for my wife and they are also doing the same for my daughter.

My daughter used Grimsby for the chemo, the Pink Rose Suite and the Amethyst ward are rated “Exceptional”, they most certainly are, I cannot thank them enough.

It’s strange putting these words out to strangers on a HiFi forum do help me, thanks to you all :pray: and my best wishes go out to anyone who is not well at this time.


It’s not strange at all for reaching out. We are all people with the same problems and joys, wherever you’re from, its very universal I think, but that’s my 2 cents!


I lost my wife of 55 years marriage two years ago - even now, there are days when I still cannot believe she’s not here. Such is life and death. Live everyday as best you can.


I sometimes find it easier to speak about things on a forum. And I have received support from masses of people on here. So getting dozens of messages of support becomes a big thing.

Sometimes when I speak to a friend or relative to reach out you don’t necessarily get what you need.

So the forum enables me to express how I feel and get support. It’s a community of people interested in hifi but share health issues and talk about the human condition!


It’s nice to know that there are so many good people out there offering support.

Dan, your mental attitude to you health issues is amazing and the fact you are still working when you can in an industry that is so hard shows a real strength of character on your behalf.

Im so pleased to see you have been building such a fantastic HiFi which will give you so much pleasure when you need to relax.

Think you should re-name you avatar “Super-Dan :wink::blush:.


Hi Castalla, so sorry about your loss, 55 years together is amazing, I’m sure you have made some lovely memories in that time which hopefully will give you some comfort.


Thanks @Dougie.

I have been doing fairly heavy work the last 3 weeks. Been completely repointing back of customers large house, raking out all the mortar and am now laying bricks and blocks, finishing off their retaining wall. Digging next week and making a ramp to new patio area!

Have had to ice my knee up each night due to some swelling. But the show goes on. Keeping busy at work makes me feel good and keeps me out of trouble.

I took a bit of time out recently which was great, but ended up spending more than what was coming in. So to be back at work full time works for me at the moment.

I have those ops looming so good to put some money away as I won’t be able to work much while I recover from them both.


Wowzer, all this with serious health issues

All the very best



Apologies Dan, I’ve just read this thread and I can see you’ve got a lot on your plate right now.

The meet up can wait until you’ve won this battle. Keep up the fight, we’re all rooting for you :muscle:t2:


Thank you - so many good memories :heart:


Hi Dan,

reading the works you did the last 3 weeks, you’re really a “Super”-Dan as @Dougie wrote or better in Naim terminology we could call you “our Big Dan, the 500 man”.

You fully merit our full support, even if it’s inly through this forum. So keep up and don’t forget you also give a lot of support and hope to other people living similar situations by sharing your experiences. Big big thanks.


I appreciate your support, and everyone else on here. It means so much.

I am in a position where I am having scans to see if they can do the ops. The two ops are classed as major. The outcome is debatable as the metastatic cancer has spread to different areas since the original cancer. I am working full time at the moment as self employed builder.

I do have support outside of the forum. But my previous experience of these treatments is that it is about yourself and your life and your survival. I remain strong and resolute. The downs are there to be sure but I keep going. I have to look forward. I have to be positive, no matter what happens.

This has been going on for about 2 years now since first diagnosis. I am getting used to it. Right now I am physically okay, but I know those ops will knock me for 6!

But I will get up again!

Love to you all guys. Thanks for all your positive energy. You are a massive help. And besides what would my system do without me? :rofl:


To speak the bloody obvious, we are all rooting for you and wishing the absolute best

Ian (plus everybody else)


Super Dan…make sure you Russian Techno that bloody cancer away…love your spirit and resilience …stay strong :heart:


That is one super positive mental attitude! I so admire your spirit. Good on you, Dan.


Stay tough. :+1:


Dusty just checking in for our Man Dan.

1 - 4 for a copy Dan! How’s you?


Hi Dan

Wishing you all the best of my best wishes,



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