David Gilmour

Disappointed I couldnt get any tickets….

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The front of one of today’s papers if it helps anyone here:

First listen of Luck and Strange today and there’s a lot of good stuff on it. Strangely though on Qobuz it shows as 96/24 on the listing but playback shows up as 44.1/16 CD quality in both the Naim app and Bubble UPnP

Just purchased CD in HMV, £14.99.

Was tempted to buy hi-res (24/96) CD @ £34.99 but balked at price & also wondered if my Core would rip it.

Looking forward to hearing it when I get home.

Postie just brought my LP that I pre-ordered months ago. Only 9 tracks on it compared with 11 that you get on the streaming sites but looking forward to giving it a spin later

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Today the new Gilmore came in green vinyl and now turns for the first time on the record player.

It has not yet been heard to the end.

But I like them.

Thanks for posting. Interesting article and also insightful videos on YouTube.

Loving the new album. I was a bit worried when I heard that his daughter was singing on it, but she sings on one of the stand out tracks, Between Two Points. IMHO of course.



Rehearsal video for upcoming tour

Edit: just finished watching it, four songs in the video with two from the new album and two from DSOTM

Listening now. Age comes to us all and that is evident here. His guitar sounds the same though, quite bluesy.

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Buqqer, I’d forgotten about this one. Ah well, It should be here in a couple of days……

Can one buy the extra tracks as individuals from the streaming sites, or have they got them locked down to the “whole” album?

Not sure, one of them Yes I Have Ghosts was released as a single in 2020 so might be available for purchase. The other is a 14 minute barn jam and can be listened to on youtube

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It appears that they’re both included on the CD.

I’ll find out tomorrow :slight_smile:

I ordered the basic CD on pre-order a while ago as I was not sure, even though I am a lifelong fan of Pink Floyd and young mr Gilmour, I’m hooked, so even having the CD I went out today and bought the Deluxe box set, it’s just wonderful imho, and as usual the quality of design and presentation of the box set is up to his usual standards, well done!

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I’ve been looking forward to this and I had a first listen on Friday evening, I wasn’t able to play it at a decent level and the system had been powered down for a week while I was away with work but I couldn’t wait! It usually takes me a couple of listens through a new album to get a feel for it but this got me straightaway and I came away thinking that this is his best solo work, less Floyd, more personal.

I listened to it properly last night and it really moved me, it’s a beautiful piece of work. “A Single Spark” with the strings and his guitar had me on the edge. I love that his family is heavily involved (I think his daughter has a lovely voice) and sadly it very much feels like this is his farewell.

I got tickets in the presale and I’m looking forward to going even more now, roll on October 10!


I can agree with you on all the points you make my friend, i only pre-ordered the CD, but upon hearing it on Friday, I went straight out and bought the vinyl deluxe set, I think it is just wonderful, the quality of the sound production is about the best I’ve heard for a long time. The same goes for the quality and predentation of the media is also, as usual, extremely good.
Unfortunately unlike your goodself i missed out o concert tickets, bugger!!


Four tracks in (plus Ghosts that I really like)

:+1: :+1: :+1:

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Yes I agree, the production quality is fantastic, the orchestra, choir, harp etc is mixed so well with the rest of the band and vocals, it’s completely engrossing.

Shame you missed out on tickets, keep checking ticketmaster for resale tickets. They’re not allowed to be resold at vastly inflated prices, +10% max iirc, and a safe way to buy them, I’ve done it in the past and it’s very easy.

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Yes, thank you young man, i visit ticketmaster now and again, so far to no avail, ah well!

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Keep at it! Hope you get lucky :crossed_fingers:

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