Diamond studded bezels on Rolex watches

Lol! Good one.

I really donā€™t think anyone could say this is ostentatious:

Itā€™s as understated as a decent watch could possibly be.


Youā€™ve no way of knowing if people who buy mega expensive watches do or do not donate to charity.

Although this is not true with regards to Ronaldo. A quick Google will show he gives millions to charity.

With regards to getting into debt. Iā€™m sure a lot of people get into debt buying Naim equipment. :smiley:

Itā€™s a generalisation, so without getting drawn in to specifics, these sorts of topics are always going to be polarising and circular.

Just donā€™t assume you can actually buy a new one.

Itā€™s not a generalisation, itā€™s an assumption.

I donā€™t think that can be said about any watch on a bracelet. A strap is IMO much more subdued than a bracelet, which immediately makes it more noticeable and ā€œsportyā€ looking.

I think ā€œas subdued as possibleā€ or ā€œas understated as ā€¦ could beā€ would surely be a dresswatch?

BTW, thatā€™s not criticism of watches on bracelets, Iā€™m wearing one (not a Rolex) myself right now. Iā€™m only saying theyā€™re less subdued than other types in my opinion.

Jeez time to delete this thread as well methinksšŸ¤”

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I can say that if you want; It is ostentatious :wink:

One could probably buy one on board this .


Another view of Hell, for meā€¦give me a skiff.


Youā€™re not allowed to transport sheep in conditions like that.

But itā€™s full of sheep!


I am going to buck this new age sensitivity hungry halibut is now displaying and state my heartfelt opinion: that ship is an abomination.

Neatly described as a ā€˜human lasagneā€™ although regrettably I know not by whom.

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Iā€™m getting a bit worried.

I canā€™t find mine.

They must have used every colour going and then some.


If going on the ā€œIcon of the Seasā€ was the only holiday option in the world I am certain I would rather stay at home!!

Thinking about watches generally, either with or without diamonds, I just wonder how many younger people actually wear watches these days. I am of a certain age (an old f*rt) and the first think I put on in the morning is my trusty Omega Seamaster. All the folks I know who are younger now seem to be without watches and use their phones to find the time. Time for a diamond encrusted iPhone perhaps??

So called fitness watches are the in thing, but I often see people cursing the battery life.
And, within a few generations of purchases, theyā€™ve spent enough to have bought a ā€˜niceā€™ watch.

I could live with this

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