Disp function on a Nait 5's remote

I can’t turn off the volume pot’s and input selectors’ lights with the remote on a Nait 5. I can’t remember if that was doable on my previous one, years ago. Is it an issue with the remote or isn’t an available function on the Nait 5?
Thanks for the info.

Have you tried pressing the preamp button before pressing the disp button?

I did. All other functions work. And I put new batteries…

It doesn’t on mine…

IIRC, this was not possible with the original NAIT 5.

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@AndyR, @Richard.Dane,

thanks, I’ll stop thinking about it.


I just bought a Nait 5 today.

Lovely and simple. I bought it to integrate with an AV amp and my whole-house system. Three lines out is a plus. No system automation and no dimmed display are drawbacks. Great performer at current price!

I seem to recall it being described once as “too good for its niche”, which appeals to me.

Looking forward to hooking up my Flatcap XS to it.



I seem to recall a Nait 5 (not to be confused with Nait 5i) was basically considered as a first generation lower powered Nait XS.

I have a FC2X on my very early Nait XS, sound pretty good even feeding a large room.

Lots of inputs, more than I need tbh, but nice to have, even room for my old Nat05 tuner which is lovely on FM direct broadcast from Danish Radio Royal concert hall.

Nice, Nick, hope you enjoy it.


I love mine more and more. It’s the second 5 I own, and it’s growing on me steadily.
It has everything I want in an integrated - the right amount of power before it’s too much, has detail but also civility, images but has PR&T - and only DIN sockets, which I do love.

A FlatCap 2 hasn’t changed it dramatically, but having a Stageline all the FC2’s functions are employed at best.
If a costly tube amp sounded like the Nait 5, audiophiles would cry miracle I think.

You’ll love it,

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I seem to remember that the Nait XS was considered ‘a stripped down’ SuperNait…
Your very early XS came from me if I remember correctly… :slight_smile: I’m glad if you still own it.

I do have Stageline on mine too.
Nice fit to a nos High Output SAE 1000E cartridge, not that HOMC is very high on my list, these old cartridges sound smooth+ on Schubert chamber music replay.

As for tube valve amps, have been there, with exception of few, not going back. If people want a smooth cheap amp with more prat than any valve amp - i’d say they should try a Rega Brio or IO if budget is low.

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You may be right re. SN, haven’t thought it that way.

Yeah, world is small, I remember we changed some stuff during decades.
Funny as we speak…, n.Sats comes to mind, a speaker I often regret selling, would be nice to have for upstairs duties.
Love the previous Naim speakers, currently S400 in my main setup.
Bet you have owned more nSats than me😄

Yes, and bought my second pair - the lovely maple ones - from you… :slight_smile:

It’s a bit like a swap shop. Come to think of it, what a good idea that would be.

Agreed. I have thought of it sometimes…

Ah yes, in any case I would look for a darker finish next, but not the piano edition.
To be honest I can’t remember if there was a walnut finish.

I still remember my experience with very first pair, one of the very few bookshelfs that rivalled my Sorcerers.

The finishes were cherry, maple and piano black/silver.

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Thank you, Richard.

I came very near buying a Nait 5 new in c. 2000. Fun to finally have one.

One of the many appeals of Naim, when I started in 2011 with a used NAC112/NAP150, was the availability online of, so many, nearly all, IIRC, of the manuals back to Day One. I downloaded a lot of these manuals, whether I owned the pieces or not. It really helped me learn about the Naim philosophy and evolution.

To my surprise, I never got a manual for Nait 5, or I lost it. I have applied to Naim Support for a digital copy, now that I actually need it. I wonder why they took so many of the older manuals offline. I get that “support” for old models eventually ends for everything. Providing documentation, even with a disclaimer, seems to me like a positive PR message, costing little or nothing. It says, “Yes, we know there are a lot of old ones out there, and people love them. That is how we like to build them.” No forever-warranty intended or implied.



If you still need, and have not, a digital copy of the manual I can send it to you provided a way compatible with forum rules is available.
