Do I need a wired network to install the Uniti Core?

To be fair I own a fair few SPDIF cables as well, and no matter what DAC I use, NDAC, Hugo Original, DAVE etc I do hear a difference… often varying authority of sound… I suspect more to the plug cable combo than from than cable itself.
FWIW I find the DC1 a more deeply balanced sounding cable, where my Gotham AG connectors on the whole tend to sound airier and lighter… all subtle but definitely there.

I agree with David, I don’t hear a meaningful difference in sound with SPDIF connector adapters, although an adapter is less reliable in the long run.

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I use this with one of my non-Naim streamers. It works well and it’s not expensive.

Link: Vonets VAP11G-300

It allows me to connect the streamer which does not have wifi to the internet via my wifi network. The VAP11G connects to my home wifi network. It has a male RJ45 jack that plugs into the streamer.


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