Do I need NACA5

oohh !!! :open_mouth: good luck & over to you on that one. My folds are 0.4m because thats the size of cable hide space I designed into the rack.

Hi Mike,
Is it the de-stressing technique being discussed here?

Ciao Antonio, no, what is being discussed (questioning) is if folding a speaker cable has an effect on sound. Folding is a method to shortening the excessive length of cable to the speakers
Using electrical theory: Reducing the length of cable by coiling (making into a circle) is detrimental as a coil adds inductance & that will reduce the speaker output at the higher frequency end - in reality 2 or 3 coils will not do anything.
Reducing the length by folding (like the picture a few posts back) does not affect anything as the effects of each fold cancels out the inductance of the other (fold to the left followed by fold to the right).

So, the following :

If not ‘de-stressed’ with the usual Naim recommended alternate flexing and reflexing along its length…

How can be dealt?
Actually looks to me a practice to get it…

That practice is for IC & Burndy cables, but I see they now say its done with SL speaker cables, I don’t know how they do that.
This is the machine Naim have at the factory for IC cables

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