Do you have any components that are endgame for you?

I think my Systemdek IIXE will see me out. Just off being serviced now.

I also think, unless it expires, my CD5 will do the same.

My recently acquired SX3s are also really nice, can’t see me improving them significantly.

I’ll probably replace my Nait 3 with an XS at some point, and a ND5XS, or ND5XS2, will probably round it out.

Having listened for many years through a very old pair of Mordaunt Short MS 310s, the current system is light years ahead now. Very happy at the lower end of the Naim ladder, which is still a heck of a lot to spend on stereo gear in the household budget for most!

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13 months ago, I bought a Rega Aethos and a Rega Fono, thinking it would be my last ever amplifier.

It haemorrhaged value, was far too heavy (42 libs) and had inputs on the right hand side looking downwards. Great sound, but not good to move (especially with two hernias, one cataract and one dodgy knee) . Incredibly difficult to do anything with in a tight, enclosed area.

Back in the Naim fold , with a lighter Nova …

As Sean Connery observed when signing up for the totally unnecessary Thunderball remake ''Never Say Never Again ‘’

I don’t think any component can be endgame, circumstances change health, wealth, tastes and technologies


Oh gawd, you mean there is no end to this! Really?


No… they were both floor mounts… one was a pair of PMC Fenestria … £55k so perhaps I was wrong with the 70k

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best wishes



Hi Simon,
What are the dimensions of your room,if you don’t mind?

It’s not regular dimensions so not a true rectangle… buts say approximately 7metres by 3.5metres.

You never can say really, things can change very quickly in life.
I would like to think I have reached my end game, as at my age my hearing is only going to go down hill and so investing more money is probably pointless going forward from here.
More than likely I will down grade, but hopefully not for a few years yet

Sums up my position too Dunc. Absolutely no changes planned here and just hoping my ears behave going forward. :pray: ATB Peter

I think that not withstanding lottery wins and the like my TT and phono preamp will not change. I will likley upgrade the cartridge itself.

I find it surprising how many people do that. The only downgrade I plan is if -which I hope won’t happen - my ability deteriorates to the point where I have to go into a care home. My plan for that is possibly to change my present source for the simplest possible store renderer, keep Dave, and get some decent headphones.

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Why, if you can’t hear it, why keep it?



I’m not scotch only, just scotch preferred, though I love a good, crisp martini! I have a small collection of non scotch whiskies (bourbon, rye, Irish, Japanese, etc.), but those are mostly used either for friends or to mix in cocktails. I am not familiar with Bains, but I’ll try almost anything…


As the actress said to the bishop


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As you get older things change
I plan to move closer to the cost, this along with a smaller property, means what i have now will be probably much to large, plus moving it all as i get older is daunting. But hearing loss is my biggest worry.
I just hope i can get another 10years atleast, but life can easily get in the way

Which is why I like to appreciate that a smaller system in a smaller room in system pics.

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My 2 McIntosh MC275 mk 5 power amps in monoblock setup. With me for last 9 years. May be I shall keep on changing the tubes from time to time.


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For me it is my Stax 009S with Mjolnir Carbon amplifier with my Linn KDS as source. As good as my Utopia headphones are…the Stax will always be better.

I have been following your Luxman thread and am intrigued. What other headphone amps have you had passing through?

Of course if one can’t hear it - what a depressing thought! With luck that will not be the case. My point was purely that I concede that one day for practical reasons listening through speakers might have to be abandoned (i.e. the care home I cited) but I have no plan or intent to degrade the quality of music I play until then. Even if my hearing deteriorates so it is not as enjoyable as now, received wisdom is that one can still appreciate better presentation of music, while degrading the kit brings no benefit - and when I’m gone someone will inherit and possibly appreciate.

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