After some listening in the beginning of the afternoon, I was surprised because the sound seems to be better, more fluent and analog like.
Maybe it’s a brain effect, however i was not expecting something different for sound quality, specially after your above comments.
Maybe the fiber is less noisy, maybe something that I can’t explain. But I was surprised by the more free going sound and completely grain free.
It’s the first time my digital rig is so natural sounding, very very near the lp sound.
Did you also ask the ISP to upgrade the patch leads at their end…
Don’t understand, sorry.
I’d assume, that when they switched from copper to fiber, they will have switched some cables. (And any cabling beyond the fibre should not matter, unless it is so bad, it introduced bit errors or something. IT view. )
ISP: Internet Service Provider
Patch leads: I assume, some internal connection cables on their side. (Patch cables: short cables (few meters) to connect equipment close to another or an equipment towards a more permantly installed cable on a “patch panel”.)
Yes it can’t really affect your audio as it is not going near your audio as you say you are locally streaming via your separate switches.
If you think something might be going awry… listen to your music and get someone to switch the router off or disconnect the WAN connection without you knowing… if you notice no difference then there is no cause and effect.
My adsl, like in most commercial router/ tv/ internet providers in France, gives internet passing through the phone plug. In my home it was a real crap.
Now I have fiber from outside my house directly into my router.
I know these informations are not 100% exact, but you know surely what I mean.
For me the sound improved, it’s real.
The SQ improvement happens even you do not stream from Qobuz or Tidal? i.e you stream from your local music library?
ADSL passing by phone plug.
Yes, only locally from my Melco. Perhaps it’s not due because I have much higher bandwidth ( 8,9 to 400 now) , but maybe this new connecting by fiber introduces less noise than before ( through the phone line).
I don’t know but there is absolutely a less grainy and natural sound. It’s like listening to my Rega Rp10.
Ok you think your phone lead may not have twisted pairs in, and your ADSL signal was radiating? It’s possible but usually if it is radiating it is equally susceptible to interference itself affecting performance… a bit like Ethernet cable not using twisted pairs… Ethernet leads were originally based on telephone wiring…
It’s hard to say… anyway the good thing is that you are happy now, and your Hi-Fi is sounding better than ever… sounds like a good outcome.
The local music stream must be routed between your (optional) NAS and the Melco because both of them connected to same hub (switch), no telephone gets involved?
But if your NDS/555DR sounds like a REGA RP10, then this combo is not optimized. I would expect it a few levels up the REGA.
I think you can disconnect your router and test, since you do not stream from the internet,
Recently Bart bought the new Rega P10. He has Superline / rega Aphelion.
He wrote that he feels that his P10 is sounding on the same level as his Nd555, and even better with audiophile lps.
I can’t say if in most cases fiber will sound better vs adsl. Most people here responded that the sound should not change.
In my case, I had a crap telephone line in my neighborhood, and internet was provided by the phone.
The fiber improved clearly in my home the sound of local streaming. Anybody in France still using adsl should try.
My app is not freezing anymore and I don’t loose contact with my Server as before.
So very happy.
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