Download now available for Naim Streamers

I know. Bizarre :person_shrugging:t3:

Same here - there is a „unhappy“ thread

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What is written sounds as I remember the difference between NDX2 and NDS. Where I went with NDS. More organic and analogue, less HIFI and digital.

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This will be an issue with your network. Maybe the wifi is too weak to keep a solid connection.

Is there an update for the nss333 have been away for a trip and expected to update when I returned but says it’s up to date :flushed:

There is. Try doing a check for updates using the App.

Is that just tap reset app ?

No. Go into system settings and tap check for updates.

Yes that’s what I did and it says firmware is up to date, confused as expected to be able to update

What’s the version number?

5.1.0 (8334)

5.2.0 (8565) is latest on the 333.


I would have thought it would ask me to update to this version

You would indeed. If the 222 was turned off for a few days, maybe it takes a while for the update server to recognise it. You’d think the check for updates would find it. I’d wait until tomorrow and see whether it appears.


I have the same issue with my ND5XS2 from time to time, even with the previous firmware. Streamer connected via Ethernet and WiFi signal as strong as it gets.

Yesterday the issue was occurring at the end of each track I was listening from a playlist.

Busy with other things at the moment, but when I get the chance I will reboot everything at the network/phone/streamer and check more systematically the situation.

I experienced it pre-update but haven’t done so since. (Good wifi, hard wired).

Will the original NDX be receiving the update?

The first Gen streamers such as the NDX will eventually get the Naim Radio update. Naim are working on it but no ETA as yet.


Richard, will we be notified (mines registered) or do we have to keep checking back?