Dynavector 10X5 which stageline?

Hello everyone, thinking of picking up a Dynavector 10X5 High Output MC Cartridge. Not sure which phono board would work best with this?

Moving magnet N or moving coil S?

Thanks! - C

N for the high output version.

I used my Stageline S when I had my DV10X which worked really well

N is for use with Moving Magnet cartridges
K is for Linn Moving Coil cartridges,
S is for all other low-output Moving Coil cartridges,
E use with Moving Coil cartridges with a higher output.

I use Stageline N with DV20X2 High output

Char, there has been bit of discussion about this recently. Normally one would assume that a so-called ‘high output’ MC should be used into a Moving Magnet stage, so the N would be correct. However, ‘high output’ MCs rarely have an output as high as a moving magnet cartridge, so results can disappoint. Trouble is they fall between two stools - too high an output for a low output MC stage, although one well known dealer on here has reported good results with a Stageline S so long as it’s powered from a Hicap or Supercap - and a bit too low to work optimally with a MM stage. Which leaves the Stageline E - designed for Medium Output MC cartridges. In theory a ‘high output’ MC such as the 10X5 should be too high in output for the Stageline E, but some have reported good results (better than using an N).

Anyway, that’s the background. If you’re using interchangeable boards then you can perhaps afford to experiment a bit. Normal logic says NA522 boards, but I would suggest trying NA523E or NA523R boards as well (They are the same boards but were sometimes called 523R - R for “Roksan”), and by all means try the 523S boards too, and choose whichever you prefer.

Interesting topic.
I use my Dynavector DV-20X2H (High Output) with NA522 boards and never thought of trying it with the 523S boards. Having a pair at hands, I think I will give it a try.
Thanks for the advice Richard.
MArco :tophat:

Marco, before you go ahead and try on “my advice”, note that I haven’t tried it myself - it was reported by Peter of Cymbiosis here that the HO Dynavector MCs worked well on a Stageline S provided it was fed by at least a good strong 24V feed such as a dedicated Hicap.

Anyway, if you’re happy to experiment then do try it out with your NA523S boards and tell us how it goes.

I use a Ortofon X5-MC (2 mV.) with a Stageline S / Hicap but this same cartridge also work well using the NA522 boards of my 82. I slightly prefer the Stageline over the NA boards.

it worked with N in my setup. Not a great experience for me. The gain was quite low (Nait5 volume at 12 oclock and up) and overbloated bass. Turntable was a Rega P3.

Good point Richard, as I use my boards with the 52, thus fed “only” by the SuperCap.
Anyway I am not in a hurry to try the board swapping out, I will first have to find a additional FRAIM shelf for the NAP180.
But as soon as I do it, I will gladly share my findings on the forum.
MArco :tophat:

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