English Premier League Season 2023/24

An absolutely abysmal performance (possibly the worst I’ve ever witnessed by a West Ham team, and I’ve seen quite a few shockers over the past 50 years or so) at the Dildodrome yesterday, with a classic West Ham collapse after the first Arse goal. Still at least I was there to witness history – our biggest home defeat in 61 years!

Given Arsenal’s well-known skill at set pieces, and their discipline, everyone thought that Moyesiah’s team selection and setup was risky. We did quite well for the first 20 minutes, then it started raining goals. Were it not for Areola’s heroics it would have probably been 8-nil.

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Ah no problem. You’ve heard the term ‘win ugly’. Your lot just got a bit confused and ‘lost ugly’.

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Kev definitely get the feeling of disappointment and yes not all fans. Sport is a funny thing but it’s still just sport for every winner there’s a loser. Hopefully next round will give you more joy.

“Some people think football is a matter of life and death.
I can assure you, it’s much more serious than that.”

William Shankly


Football commentary.

Chelsea are The New Massive.

Well, if you accept everything footy commentators say… 20,000 is almost a third of the stadium. No way did a third of the crowd leave at half time; a third may have gone to the bar mind you – who wouldn’t need a drink after that first half?

The Moyesiah actually tried to play football against us instead of sitting back and got severely punished, without Paqueta you lack any creativity and resorting to lumping balls up to Bowen against Saliba and Gabriel was never going to happen.

I don’t think you where terrible and for those first twenty minutes you had a go but our defence is the best in the league and limited you to just one shot on target and unfortunately for you you came up against a fully firing Arsenal.

I certainly agree with that analysis Bob!

I wonder if Harry wants to come home ?

Yea, his essential spud-ness seems to have infected the rest of the team :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Timber seemed to be doing ok on his own but once Eric Diarrhoea turned up then the Spursy BUG fully infected Bayern and remember Woy Hodgson’s Spursy England team knocked out of the Euros by Iceland.

I watched Bayern lose to loathsome Lazio yesterday, and see that ol’ Timber still can’t seem to stay on his feet whenever an opposition player gets within a hair’s breadth of him.

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@crispyduck I have read that Roy Hodgson is in hospital after feeling unwell during training. I am wishing him the best.


You’re right and I wish him the best too. Clearly all the problems with Palace and the search for a new manager will have taken its toll on him. Looks like Oliver Glasner is going to be our new manager. I would very much like to see Roy leave with his dignity intact and our heartfelt thanks so perhaps he could step down on medical grounds or Steve Parish could offer him a senior role ‘upstairs’


I agree. A great servant for your club and for football in general.

He needs to go out with dignity and respect, and a nice cushy ‘ambassador’ job at your club, for example.


Well that was sbsolute dog-poo by us first half.

Ange, get it sorted.

(Though I can’t see us improving second half)

Edit : I was right. Absolutely awful performance.

Another fine performance by The Arsenal again Like West Ham I thought Burnley had a go early on and both should be applauded for trying to come out and play football.

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Don’t know who was worse today.

Us or the England cricket team.

It’s a tough call.

Well, tonight is the least proud I’ve felt about NUFC in the last 3 years. Poor. Lucky to get a point. Eddie still picking his favourite, Dan Burn. When you look at Forest, Luton and Bournemouth, I’m just sick of these average teams taking the piss out of us :black_heart::white_heart:

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