Ethernet cable test, 4 cables go head to head

Peder, all fine but you have to admit that it is difficult when the guy(s) spoken of are always third persons.
More difficult as it already is here witch all of us with different ears systems, Rooms …
And it gets even more difficult when in the forum it’s completely different with this cable …

This could be a solution to put the zenith mk3 on the quadraspire svt shelf, without hanging in the holes.
Do the come under the box or can I but the existing feet on top of the stacks

Hi @drago :slightly_smiling_face:
Sorry if I was unclear,.my English :wink:.

I have of course listened myself to the systems I describe above…
And know and have spoken to those I also refer to above.

Now that’s an interesting thing to try to do with an ethernet cable, of all things, when you’re tinkering with extraneous noise effects that ideally would just be eliminated so that the DAC can do its work unhindered on the pure digital data! I’m not sure its the best way to balance out the sound of a system, though of course by fluke you may come across some noise modification that achieves what you want …until something else changes and have to start again!

I’m not consciously focusing on ethernet cables. That was a bit of pure luck. I’d heard one of the other forum members mention that they were impressed with the Shunyata Sigma on their system and I was at a friends when I noticed he had some laying on the floor, so I asked if I could borrow it.

My system has been performing consistently well and sounding quite balanced for a very long time. Most of the changes I’ve tried have just upset that balance for the worse. I’ve found very little that makes it sound better. Even after trying eleven linear power supplies on my EE8 switch I still find the standard SMPS at the top of the pile with only one linear power supply that I think sounds better (and it’s not the Farad that I’m currently playing with).

I was very lucky with the Sigma and the power supply combination as I really feel it’s taken my system a ‘fundamental’ step closer to the emotional connection you get with live music. In my experience these kind of jumps are very very rare.

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I look forward to reading Dan on this. Thanks for detailing everything here.

Just spent yesterday and this morning spending a few hours at a time with my AQ Vodka, then a few hours AQ Diamond, then back to Vodka etc.
The Diamond just seems better all round, more detailed, a little livelier, nice mid range and improved bass.
Would i pay £1200 for it, maybe?, but this was £500, so it’s a keeper.


Hi :slightly_smiling_face:
I have disposed all of the SMPS in the whole house.
From the digital TV-box and everything else,.it is replaced with different linear power supply’s.

And that,.combined with other “actions”, made a difference for the better in terms of soundquality :smiley:.

Yes i am sure he will say something about yesterday once he gets time.
But for me the statement off the day was
I prefer this over the statement system from the factory tour.

Bargin at that price.
The big thing you have to be very careful about with the audioquest diamond is fake ones, apparently there is quite a few if you go with what audioquest say, and they are difficult to stop, but the SQ is obviously poor in comparison.

And what is your system and cables today?

From my dealer who sold it to the original customer🤞🏽

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Yes, but only in your system. There are many on here that find the SMPS faster, more musical and more satisfying to listen to regardless of the impact it may have within their audio environment. Almost any LPS can make my system sound more ‘hifi’ but there are very few that can make that ‘emotional’ connection with the music, and that’s exactly what I’m looking for and why I buy Naim. Frankly, I don’t care how things ‘measure’ it’s the way they sound and the way they make me feel. In my book it’s either right, wrong or just plain different! If it’s the latter two I will usually just ignore them.

See post number 1

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You are fine then

Hi :slightly_smiling_face:

Stack Audio’s recommendations for AUVA EQ is to have them directly “under the box”…
Which has become true during my listening exercises.

They should NOT be placed under the original feet.

I started by evaluating this by placing three pieces of AUVA EQ as close to the original feet as possible.
When I heard the difference in sound quality with these AUVA EQs,.I removed the original feet and placed the AUVA EQ exactly where the original feet sat.

In the picture below,.you see these AUVA EQs under my Zenith mk3 in my headphone-system.

As you know,.InnuOs has three feet under all its products.
Now I have a dialogue with Josh at Stack Audio,.where he claims that on other devices you get a better sound quality effect if you use four AUVA EQs instead of three.

This means that I have ordered more AUVA EQ’s to be able to test with four instead of three under my Zenith mk3.
These four must then be placed as usual in the four corners.

I received the transport notification on Friday,.so they will come to me in the coming week.
I will report back to you on my experiences with four AUVA EQs instead of three under the Zenith mk3.

It is easy to remove the original feet from underneath.
I’ll take a picture later and post it,.so you’ll see how to do it.
BUT,.be quick when doing this so you don’t have to “warm up” the OCXO- clock again (it takes time :wink:).

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Mogami and KS1 speaker cables then which you made a post on earlier on?


That’s quite a statement😁

Wow - forgot that you have a zenith mk3. Can the feet be removed without dismantling the box - as with some Olive naim gear?
The zenith has special locations for the feet as you know as you have one :wink::blush:
I use the zenith as server only - so no need for the clock (is there one inside?) to heat up again, or are referring to PN?

Was a minute away from ordering the speaker feet, but as my tile floor is uneven there will be a problem in using them

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