Ethernet cable test, 4 cables go head to head

Very much appreciated- thanks a lot :pray:

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It is but it wasn’t mine.

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By the way - the more focus on the upper midband of sigma that Lucifer describes was also present in my system when compared to the omega.
In my opinion this brings sigma in Hemingway direction (more upfront) - but when this cable is a fit, go for it. :blush:

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Can’t wait to hear @Dan_M s thoughts :blush:

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I know😊

In my system the Omega is the better cable. More body and better all round tone and most importantly not a focus on the upper midband since it becomes too much no matter how I combined the different cables. YMMV, DHFDC, IMHO, LOL :joy:

Or is it DCFDH?

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Omega in my system had also more body, but was lacking a bit air and punch in the upper region.
Bass with omega was … sooo god!
Voices were much better with the sigma

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Guys you are just dealing with an expensive EQ :smile:


And what are you doing with the cables coming a bit later in the chain :wink::rofl:

The Omega from wall to switch is near perfection here. Or at least compared to what I have heard before

Edit: I put the cable that says Odin on it in my previously posted picture after the Omega had been connected for a day. The Odin is better. I got fooled by the detail at hand with the Omega. It really is pushing details forward at the expense of musicality, coherence or rhythmic ability or ability to keep a muscial whole together. It kind of divides and conquers :grin:.

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But quite expensive…
From server to switch - in my case 3m - it should also be perfect … but that’s too much right now.

Yes I agree. However good it sounds I can’t buy this cable. I’m just testing it to have some real life experience behind my words.

Maybe I shouldn’t have done so :scream::grimacing:

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Agreed. It would help @Peder if he actually posted some pictures of these wonderful systems.

Otherwise it just becomes sales talk.

A picture, etc.


The omega is a great cable that’s for sure.
It certainly has a lovely tone, that is slightly more to the warm side. I also standby my opinion that it has a slight laid back sound to it.
This laid back element helps some tracks, but then hinders other, but it’s only slight, and you only pick up on it when you compare it to an equal sounding quality cable for resolution, that’s not.
I could easily live with the omega, and if i hadn’t been sent this hemingway cable, then i would have been buying the omega.
But after yesterday’s long listening session it became more apparent for me that the hemingway is the one, if i chose to open my wallet.
It was also slightly reassuring that it wasn’t just me that found the same outcome, not that it would have changed my outcome.

So i guess if you are looking at spending silly money on an ethernet cable, then you really should also try and get your hands on this hemingway, and see how it compares, as it is quite special i feel.
Cheers dunc


I think there already has been a picture somewhere…
And the owner has to agree…

So Lucifer needs a warm and relaxed cable to calm down the youngster Neet :smile: :wink:


Thanks for clarifying that.

@Peder does refer to friends, so perhaps there’s more photos to come.


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Nah the Neet is even better. Just you wait😁


Could you please clarify which particular Ethernet cable standard.

I can’t see any reference to the applicable standard on any dealers website, or indeed, Neotech’s own website.


Hi :slightly_smiling_face:…
It is very well known that SMPS send noise “into the system”,.In All Systems.
I have tried a total of 11 high quality “hifi-switches” in the last 18 months in my system.
I got hooked on the Pura Ammonite Elite-switch described earlier in the thread, it contains, among other things, five linear power supply’s.

AND,.I totally don’t care how anything measures, it’s completely uninteresting to me…
What is interesting to me is,.how something contributes to the increasing musical experience :smiley:.