Ethernet cable test, 4 cables go head to head

Sure that is true of course but this cable has been tested in so many different environments and systems outside this forum so it’s not just me.

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Why is it against your virtues as a scientist?

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Yes, but we’re back to your friend who’s tested it in +£2m high end non-Naim systems - probably with questionable dynamics and excitement factors! Don’t forget that there has been a number of Neet users on the Forum (not just me, Drago and Dunc) that have moved on from Neet because they didn’t think it was that good, so it’s not just us giving it a hard time.

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Science is based on facts …
A cable tested in sooo many systems without a proof is no fact. So simple it is…

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To be fair - I have not tested the neet. But based on its marketing here, I think I never will :rofl:

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Yes there are a few here that has moved on from it. Well I’ve shared my results and have nothing more to add so won’t bore you with any more Neotech singing. I’m sure @drago will be delighted :grin:

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Can you send a picture of the sigma or omega cable in place - in your system. Only of interest how it looks… :rofl:


Okay, but it’s been a constant source of entertainment for many of us!


Ansuz D2.

As Shynyata has a choked up sound, Neotech is singing, Omega and Sigma are just whispering.

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Hi @Geko :slightly_smiling_face:
Now I have to jump in…
The above system you speak of is said to have among Sweden’s best “dynamics and exitement factors”.

AND,.the person who performed this mod on PN is extremely well known and in demand in Sweden, with an exceptional knowledge in his field.
His music-system is mentioned by other knowledgeable and experienced people,.also by other traders and hifi distributors, as the best they have ever heard.

AND,.he uses Neotech NEET-1008 Silver ethernet-cables in his system.
AND YES,.he has tried all the best ethernet-cables on the market,. including Omega and Sigma.
He is also,.like me, extremely meticulous when it comes to test methodology, also regarding the important…“settle-time”, which can be directly decisive.

I want to remind you of what I wrote earlier,.after 161 hours of “burn-in”, the Neotech NEET-1008 Silver passed my Audioquest Diamond in sound quality, and was sold.

I have Neotech NEET-1008 Silver throughout my system,.after extensive testing and evaluation of other ethernet-cables, several mentioned in this thread.
:diamonds:ALSO,.I’m personally against cables that have a “bag on the stomach” :wink:
That is,.a “filter box” that should “adjust” the soundquality according to a certain standard.

In other words,.I put together my system without “these cable-filters”, whose intention is to “limit” certain possible frequencies and to adapt the music reproduction in some way.
We are all different,.but personally, I have yet to hear such a “cable filter” that does not limit the soundquality in any way.
Such “boxes on the stomach” are a big No No No for me.
AND YES,.I have tried many cables like that….

But like I said,.we are all different, some like them in their system.
I build my system with as few limiting factors as possible.

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I’m pretty sure the Neet being a flat cable is not built to standard specifications either :blush: And that your switch contains lots of filtering.

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:large_blue_diamond: Here below in the picture you have another example of a cable with a “bag on the belly”…
TotalDac’s USB-cable D1.
Yes it is mine,.I buy a lot of cables,or borrow,to get practical listening experience.

This USB-cable is really good, it has about 30 components in the small box you see.
BUT,.a Big But…!!
It is felt to limit the musical flow a little,.not much, many would not hear it but instead think it is fantastic.

It has received many positive reviews and is popular.
But here at my place it has been in a box for several years…
As I said,.cable filters or similar are not my way of building my system.

A gift to @drago :smiling_face:

Sigma from wall to switch and Omega from switch to streamer.


Hi and good morning :slightly_smiling_face:

Neotech NEET-1008 Silver is built according to “ethernet-cable standard”.
Regarding switches,.I use below…

The Pura Ammonite Elite-switch which has dual internal switches,.five internal power supplies and OCXO clock.

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That’s a switch I want to try later on.

Just like you I can only report what I’m hearing in my own Naim based system, and of all the ethernet cables I have tried I find the Neet 1008 lacks the key qualities I look for to balance out my system. I find the bass bloated, shapeless and slightly ‘one note’. There is very little in the way of subtle micro dynamics as every frequency appears to be quite shouty and presented at more or less the same dynamic volume level. In fact I find that it sounds rather relentless and forces me to end a listening session after a couple of albums because it sounds so un-relaxed. What I particularly dislike is that it seems to colour every track with its own ‘character’ of sound and on this particular flaw alone I would dismiss any cable.

In many ways I find the Neet presentation very similar to how the Audioquest Vodka sounded in my system, so in any system where Vodka works well I would imagine the Neet would work well too.

I can only reiterate that with Shunyata Sigma in my system music reproduction is the most natural and realistic I have ever heard. Therefore please believe me when I say that if Neet 1008 was better in my system I’d be using it and singing its praises until the cows come home!

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:grin:…It might be possible :wink:

But hey,.you should have these in the picture under your switch or under other devices.
:black_small_square:Stack Audio’s AUVA EQ’s
They are really really good,.even under my devices that are in my Mana Acoustics Reference-rack, they make a difference and give better sound quality.

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I guess they never come home huh! :joy: I love idiomatic expressions and had to Google the etymology.

The modified PN is also modified in case, in dimensions… and now it is the ansuz d2 :wink::blush: