Ethernet cable test, 4 cables go head to head

Hi again :smiley:
Below is the promised picture of InnuO’s foot.

This is the newer foot with the soft “silicone pad”.
It is self-adhesive,.so you just gently poke it up at the edge and unscrew the screw and remove the foot.

The older type of foot has three silicone dots,.there you see the screw in the middle, which you just screw up.

If there are some “edges” in the screw holes that stick out above the base plate,.then just take a 10 mm drill and turn it around carefully by hand and they will disappear.
Do this from below so that any small aluminum pieces go down on the floor and not into your Zenith mk3.


Hi :slightly_smiling_face:
From the wall to the switch,.try putting a Neotech NEET-1008 Silver there into Stack Audio’s SmoothLAN,and further into the switch…

It would be interesting to hear how it turns out.

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:large_blue_diamond: The important thing to keep in mind is…
As many have already written,.to test these ethernet-cables in your own system,and not listen to others.

We can listen to others to form an opinion,.but then it must be decided in our own system.
We have different switches,.different power supplies, different infrastructure around our music-systems etc etc.

As in my case,.there is no chance that I would exchange my Neotech NEET-1008 Silver for anything else at the moment.
That day may come,.I am constantly growing and developing with my system, but right here and now I often sit and say “Wow” when I listen…
THAT,.is a grade that goes a long way for me :smiley:.

AND,.the famous “stomping foot” is starting to get exercise soreness.

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Hi :smiley:

The same “standard” that means that an Audioquest Diamond or Vodka may not be called an ethernet-cable,.such as Blue Jeans Cable cat6a, but instead a streaming-cable.

BUT,.it is uninteresting to me as I only go for the sound quality.
NOTE: I have had several AQ Diamond and Vodka cables…
Actually have a Vodka cable left in a box somewhere.

I also have the newer feet.
Oh dear - will look if my courage will be good for that.
Thanks a lot - good advice with the edges. Typical with screws in metal.

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Do you use the smooth lan before the switch?

Smooth lan is a filter?

Yes it is. I tried it here before I had a switch (a loaner)

Hi :slightly_smiling_face:

I’ve only had time to use it without a switch.
In other words,.from router into SmoothLAN,from SmoothLAN into streamer…
It was really, really good there.

Reason: It was lent to you and Mats in Umeå :grin:.
Is it you or Mats who has it now…

Then that is not an Ethernet standard, but some company’s version of one that does not meet the recognised standard.

In other words, not conforming to a recognised standard.

So your statement, is in fact, incorrect and misleading.


So filter on a cable is not ok but filter in a box which the cable connects to is? :slight_smile: Not sure I get the logic.

Smoothlan use circuit board printed coils like my Ansuz D2 Powerswitch? I cannot see any components on their PCB but maybe the by purpose just show the bottom side.

What if the Shunyatas have similar kind of filters in the boxes on their cables? :slight_smile: We o know.

My take on filters is. You might need them depending on your specific situation. If you don’t then great. But my 156 for example filters out the bad stuff making my system sound better than without. In a perfect world with no noise on the grid (doesn’t exist today) I’m sure the 156 would not be needed. Same might be for some in terms of ethernet signal. The filter is better than no filter for some. Just adding some thoughts :slight_smile:

Do everyone in this thread have fiber optics ethernet as we do? No idea if that is changing anything but I’m guessing it very well can.

Hi :slightly_smiling_face:

I don’t know,.and I don’t care…
It is information that I received from the Swedish distributor (whom I know well).
Technical specifications are completely uninteresting to me,.on the other hand…
• Installation
• Optimization
…as well as evaluation in my music system is extremely important.

The only thing I care about,.is how something installed in the system delivers and creates better or worse synergy and music quality :smiley:.

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Mats has it now. I tested it but it didn’t quite work out in my system as it was then. That was an all Naim system.

I am surprised that so many here are using filters - afaik naim strictly says not to use filters

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Maybe correct 1998 but measure the grid today and situation is very different. You should hear my induction hob when my electric car starts to charge for example… noise pollution is crazy today. I wonder how many SMPS each home have on average. And LED lamps, and dimmers, and cooling, heaters and on and on.

You should try the Puritan 156. I don’t think I’ve read about anyone sending it back. Many on here have got them lately.


Hi :slightly_smiling_face:

Now you’re trying to “twist it” :wink:
I’ve always been “open-minded” to different things,.I don’t reject anything without having tried it myself.
• Transparent cables
• MiT cables
…etc etc goes away in my world.

I will give Shunyata Omega and Sigma another chance in the fall,.then we will see if I change my mind…
This as I have replaced a lot in the system since I last tested them.

BUT,.the little I had time to test SmoothLAN before I loaned it to Umeå (Mats and Lucifer)…
Then I can definitely recommend it.
AND,.it doesn’t cost anything to try it yourself, as there is a 30-day money back guarantee if you don’t like what SmoothLAN delivers.

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Hi :slightly_smiling_face:

In Mat’s system SmoothLAN was absolutely fantastic.
BUT,.it took about a week before it started “singing really really well”.

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That it is a very poor attitude to have.

You make statements without them being factually correct, then state that you don’t care.

As the former Certification Manager for BASEC, cables conforming to standards and specifications is very important. It’s what stops your house burning down.


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Is is used as a main block?

Filtered mains block. There’s a lot to read here and on the net about it :+1:

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