Ethernet cable test, 4 cables go head to head

Don’t ask him about CE certifications on all his LPS :wink:

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Thanks … will do. Read some tests recently - could be good, much not. As always :wink:

You never know. Be open minded and have fun :blush::+1:

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Did you ever try Chord Music speaker cables against Mogami KS-1?

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No, i almost did, but it never happened in the end.
But i am happy with what i have

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Is this the AQ Diamond with the hv battery powered gizmo attached to one end?

Does it actually improve things?


I understood that he wanted to say that it’s another standard, the standard for streaming cable.
But what does it charge, if it’s standard, non standard, half standard…?
Will you for example say “ this cable gives a much better sound, but unfortunately, as it’s non standard, I won’t take it “ ?


Hi :slightly_smiling_face:

So you are looking for other parameters,.than giving your music system the greatest possible improvement in soundquality :flushed:…!!

If this is so important to you,.I will send an email to the Swedish distributor of Neotech,and ask about the “standard” of Neotech NEET-1008 Silver.

I only know that when we talked about this (a looong time ago),.the Swedish distributor said that Audioquest Diamond and Vodka can only be called streaming-cables…
BUT,.Neotech NEET-1008 Silver is an ethernet-cable…!!

AND,.it will hardly start burning :wink::grin:.

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Hi :slightly_smiling_face:

I have heard extremely positive things about Puritan and their products.
I will definitely evaluate them during the fall/winter :smiley:.

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That is exactly what I found out, when I got the diamond.
Better midrange - less edges.
Very resolving … but when compared to sigma it was a bit artificial and less musical.
Thought about the term „choked“ for the sigma/omega. When compared to the very pushy and direct silver cable (diamond) this can be a description. When I went 500dr, the diamond was too much - cymbals hurt my ears in some songs. Overall it lost some colour.
Sigma came more relaxed, bodied and coloured - less sharp and edgy in hf. Less drama - a lot more subtle overall.
In the end - all findings here match in some way

@Gazza: in your system the shunyata cable are also worth a try.

I was only responding to his post, where he made incorrect statements.

It’s his choice what he wants to use as it is ours, as we do.

He’s clarifying it with the Distributor, so he is actually interested.



The cable is 100% silver compared to 10% in the AQ Vodka which is 10% silver…….as for the battery gizmo who knows. But yes, imo a better sound for me, for that price.

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If it came from where I think, you may have just saved me £500 :innocent:.

Although I’m still very pleased with the EE8/EE1 combo😁.



Been comparing them all again this afternoon.

The omega.
I think i can finally rule out the omega. It’s a lovely cable but in my system it is just a bit too polite. Other than that i can safely say it’s brilliant.

The Audioquest.
Having tried this again, i have to say for me it’s slightly wins in my system over the omega. It can’t match the omega in many area’s, but it’s just more fun to listen too. It’s certainly not quite in the dame league when it comes to being resolving, but it can certainly run with these cables.

The hemingway.
Once again not as lively as the Audioquest, but not far away. Its like the omega as far as resolving goes i feel. But today for whatever reason i don’t feel as excited about it. Maybe a bit tried from yesterday, and the Audioquest being more likely is just doing i for me more.
But whatever it is for the money right now i would stick with my Audioquest.

Errrrr, i feel i am going round and round here. The only things that haven’t changed is my feeling for what the omega and neotech both do.
As said before the neotech is already out the running, and so is the omega i feel, as for the long run i just think i will continue to find it slightly boring in the way it comes over, even though it’s brilliant at the same time, i just don’t feel it works for my second.
So i am back to the same question as i was a few days ago, is the hemingway worth spending the cash on over my audioquest, it is definitely better but i don’t know right now if i am being honest.


If everything goes as planned I will in 1-2 weeks time evaluate the below. The neo will be up against a different palette of cables then :slight_smile:

  • Ansuz D2 ethernet (2300EUR)
  • Oephi Immenance ethernet (2500EUR)
  • Neotech Neet-1008 (229 EUR)

Hi again :slightly_smiling_face:

You won’t know this until we get the answer from the Swedish distributor.

BUT,.that is completely meaningless to anyone using the cable.
ALSO,.while you’re at it, check out the other ethernet-cables mentioned in the thread as well…
• Shunyata Omega
• Shunyata Sigma
• Shunyata Theta
• Audioquest Diamond
• Audioquest Vodka
• Hemingway
…I must have forgotten someone :wink:.

Technical specifications are interesting at the construction level…
BUT,.says nothing about how a cable, for example, delivers practically in a music-system, it must be evaluated in the given system.

That’s why I say,.I Don’t Care :wink:.
But if someone gets something out of theoretically “caving” into technical specifications, don’t mind me.

Hi :slightly_smiling_face:

This Oephi interests me,.I have talked a bit before with the Swedish distributor who has a lot of good things to say about it.

Just for the record,.is it a cable that meets the standards to be called ethernet cable or not :sunglasses:
Just kidding :grin:.

These three cables,.are they “burn-in” when you get them.?


Sales talk…Whaoo :flushed::grin:
Sell what…??
No further comments,.either you can draw relevant conclusions regarding what I write, or you can’t…
I’ll leave it there…!!

You keep changing your mind. You made a statement that it confirms to the Ethernet cable standard.

To me, whether it confirms or not does not make one jot, but that is what you stated. No one else did in relation to the other cables.

By all means promote the cable, as your appear to love it, which is fine, but before making statements, please check your facts first.


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Yes demo cables used before :+1: The D2 is mine. The neo has +1000h on it.

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