Ethernet cables - YOUR LISTENING Shooutout Summary

From your description I’d go with Ansuz all the way.

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In your setup I would also go for D2.
3D, Micro Detail, Soundstage is what I really enjoy with PN as well - 500dr and sigma brought it in. Diamond even more… but too more.
My setup needs a bit gentle touch - so PN good here :slight_smile:


What interests me …
How would you rate PN against ee8 plus farad.
This is a test i have done.

I would have chosen PN in that case. Even though I found PN more coloured it was overall better than EE8. Have put D2 Powerswitch + D2 cable back and it will most likely be my choice going forward. Very good switch indeed.

Thx a lot.
As I had a „non color gate“ here when I had used diamond Ethernet, I know that i should count on PN :smiling_face:

Not very surprising - a bit bucks for both :blush:

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PN with BJC Ethernet is a great combo Drago IMO. There is a lot of blending/ seasoning with switches and cables to factor in.


@Cohen1263 You have to try sigma cable some day! You will be surprised - I promise!

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I believe you. It’s about the blend. Too much salty or pepper and it spoils the dish. Belden Catsnake 6 is just a little thick with PN (for my tastes) better with EE8. Then of course we have the choice of first switch if cascading. I quite like Cisco 2960 before PN but not Cisco before EE8.

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Do you use BJC as last leg between PN and nd555?
Tried with 2 switches (additional 2960 in row) but preferred PN alone

Put sigma in and you LP12 is 2nd… :rofl:. No - not really … but streaming is up in another league with sigma (in my system)

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Not my LP12 mate. Sorry :joy:. No always Chord Music for that last 1m. It’s brilliant there.


PN alone great also. Just find the cables for you as you have done

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That’s what I missed - could not imagine that you use a more standard cable as last leg. Chord music … I think it can do music

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It’s crazy how good it is in the last leg of the chain and realise even Naim’s top employee IMO Jas Gould is using one there.


Do not make me google … as I am doing for ansuz d2 right now :rofl:


I don’t think Ansuz is that big in UK but have seen a guy on here that prefered D2 DIN DIN over Chord Music. I have friends that have Music that swears they are end game. I will only try them if I can afford them because I’m afraid I cannot send them back :see_no_evil:


Here in Germany ansuz is a bigger deal - there are quite some dealers pushing them. And at the last hifi show in Hamburg I had a very nice chat with a Dane (as always with Danes :smiling_face:) - he was from ansuz :smiling_face:

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So the Stack audio lan-isolator has been in the system a few days now and I can’t really fault it and I really want to fault it😅.

One criticism I might have is what it does to the bass but I’m not sure what it does to the bass. There is a risk it lowers the energy in the deeper bass but that might also be artefacts being left out after filtering.

Otherwise I think it sounds fine. Not sure I’d get it though but who knows. I have a nagging feeling a real switch might be better. However it is difficult to listen to the streamer without it now that I hear the noise I didn’t hear before😅

Also. The difference isn’t subtle. It’s much cleaner Feels faster with a wider and deeper soundstage. Especially the midrange and voices are beautiful.

What’s your view @Peder :sweat_smile:


What I forgot to ask - where do you serve from? What’s your nas?
That also made a difference in my system- not a small difference.
I use innous zenith - they are more on the „ansuz side“ of the spectrum afaik

I stream Tidal through Roon. No local files, no vinyl. I heard streaming is the new thing :wink:

Only NAS that connects to my system is
