Ethernet Switch and Cables Mania

Interesting…its appreciated that you have taken the time to report back … this whole ethernet infrastucture thing … has quite a profound effect. What switch are you using???

Don’t yet have a switch, direct connection to the router…

Sorry for all the questions … what router is it…

I think Bluesfan uses a fibre link system…?

That’s the exact same one I have and it replaced a much older battered blue one that looked exactly like Peder’s photo.

:small_blue_diamond:@JimDog,…The blue Cisco 2960,.was manufactured between 2007-2013.

Did you experience any difference in soundquality.?


Yes, I remember discussing this with you at the time.
There was a small uplift in SQ moving from the much older visibily battered blue corporate Cisco to the much younger unbattered white Cisco from one owner in a small office.

I said the new one was cleaner, and you asked my whether it was less engaging, or similar Q.
And I said - No, the musical presentation is at least as coherent, and is more engaging, it’s not at all sterile, but the sound is cleaner and clearer.

But the difference between the 2 was nowhere near as great as adding the blue one into my system in the first place.


This is essentially what I have. Modem feeds Router, router connected to my Ubiquiti Switch that feeds my Nas, 2 X waps, Philips hue, and 2 X Cisco switches one in front room, one in the dinning room. Main system plus all my AV fed by the Cisco in front room, 2nd system and AV fed by 2nd switch in dinning room. Works well for me.

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Wow - that’s strange.
Surely it’s time to get a switch, now, before you commit to the Music.
Because it just might change the dynamics and even change which cable works best.

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:small_blue_diamond:@JimDog,…:grin::joy::grin:,.Oops,my memory is start to getting bad,.but I remember now when you tell it.


I will wait a bit for that as I want to compare Melco switch and Ansuz switch. It would also mean I have again to extend my Fraim to give place to the switch…

Surely all you Melco chaps should be using or trying the Melco ethernet ?

:small_blue_diamond:@JimDog,…A thought.!!

I wonder if the difference in soundquality may be due to,.that the powersupply is old on the blue.

For when my friend built an external powersupply to my blue Cisco.
Well then it became a great improvement in soundquality.


Yes, I think it will probably be that the PSU is older and noisier.
Plus the whole switch was older and had had a hard life.

:small_blue_diamond:@BertBird,…I must agree with @JimDog.

A Cisco-switch can give everything from a small,.to a rather dramatic difference in soundquality.
So don’t invest in a Chord Music,.before you heard it along with a switch.
Cisco,.or any of the others you are considering.

For at this level of products,.it is important that the synergy is correct.

You can test with a Cisco,.it costs only £40-60:-.


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Unlikely, I have a Cisco in place and, if anything, it consolidates the Music’s position.


I did and it was “OK”.

Thanks but I have one in the office system. But I’ll try some day

:small_blue_diamond:@Music_Lover,…Ok,.it ended up there :grin:.

As I wrote earlier,.we will test this on Wednesday.


yeah, must have music in the office :grinning:

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